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Alex looked at herself in the full length mirror of her room one last time before sighing. She had spent at least an hour and a half trying to figure out what the hell she wanted to wear to the street race she and the rest of her friends and family would be attending tonight.

"Letty, how do you like this one? I think it's my favorite one of the night." Alex called out to Letty, who was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. She too was getting ready to go to the street race with Alex. Since Dom and Letty were an item, Letty had a spare toothbrush and clothes at the Toretto household. It didn't matter that she only lived down the street, the Toretto house had always felt like home to her. It was where she spent most of her time anyway.

Letty put the toothbrush back after she was finished using it and went into Alex's room to inspect her outfit. Alex had on a pair of black, tight high waisted shorts and a classy white deep v-neck with sleeves that went to her elbows. She had a small cross necklace on and her signature hoops in her ears. Letty smiled.

"It's perfect." Letty said to her friend. Alex smiled. That's relieving, she thought.

"Really?" Alex asked. Letty nodded.

"Why would I lie?" Letty replied. Alex simply shrugged. "C'mon, we should get going. I'll drive."

The two girls gathered their things and walked down the stairs, then outside to Letty's car. They got in and were off to the race. Alex began to grow a bit nervous. She knew it wasn't the race itself, she had been to countless races before and it never fazed her. Dom would win any race he entered in, so it definitely wasn't that either. Part of her felt like Brian would be at the race, given his interest in cars. That was one of the reasons she was so indecisive about her outfit. She needed to look hot if Brian was going to show up. Maybe that's why I'm nervous, she thought.

"You ready?" Letty asked Alex as she put the car in park. Alex snapped out of her thoughts. She hadn't even realized that they had arrived already. The Toretto group usually arrives a little bit late to the races. Dom always liked a dramatic entrance.

"Yeah, let's do this!" Alex said, smiling. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. Once she spotted Leon and Jesse, Alex began to walk over towards them with a smile, Letty following her in suit. Vince, Dom, and Mia walked over to the group as well. Almost everyone at the race was surrounding Dom's car. He was kind of a big deal in the street racing world.

Two girls wearing barely any clothing approached Dom and began to flirt with him. Letty cocked an eyebrow at them, even though they hadn't even given her a second look. Letty crossed her arms and pursed her lips as she walked over to them.

"I smell.." Letty trailed off, sniffing a few times as she glared at the girls. "Skanks. Why don't you girls just back it up before I leave tread marks on your face." The girls gave Letty a nasty look but obeyed.

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