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The sun had risen and Alex was still at the police station

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The sun had risen and Alex was still at the police station. They had been asking her questions about Dom all night. She refused to answer them. She simply sat there silently with her arms folded across her chest. Michael Stasiak spoke, but Alex tuned him out. He pointed off into the distance. The man had received a call saying he was needed elsewhere, so he left the room, leaving Alex with the other agent in the room. She looked down at her feet. There was a buzzing sound, which meant that someone was coming into the room. Alex looked up out of curiosity. Her breath got caught in her throat at the sight. There stood Brian.

"Hey Tyler, we got a transfer," Brian said to the man standing near Alex. The man nodded. Brian walked over to Alex. She looked up at him, swallowing hard. "You want to come with me," Brian said quietly. Alex felt her blood pressure rise. She stood up and Brian led the way. He had taken her to a small coffee shop about a block away from the police station. Brian ordered a coffee and Alex got a water. They had been sitting there in silence since they arrived.

Alex had taken the time to notice how much Brian had changed. His curls were gone. He didn't have that 'surfer boy' look anymore. He was dressed in a suit and tie - something she had never seen him in before prior to Lettys funeral. The hint of stubble on his face suited him well. He looked so handsome. She hated herself for admitting it.

"We've been here for ten minutes now. Are you gonna tell me why you dragged me here?" Alex spoke, breaking the silence. Brian leaned back in his seat.

"You know they're gonna capture Dom, maybe even worse. I don't want you gettin' tangled up in this, so stay away from him," Brian told her. Alex raised her eyebrows at the man sitting across from her. Unbelievable, she thought.

"That's what you have to say to me after all this time? You're going to sit there any tell me to stay away from my brother?" Alex asked. She was frustrated by this. "What makes you care about what happens to me all the sudden? Why now? What changed?" A hurt expression washed over Brian's face. He turned his head to look out of the window next to them briefly, then turned his attention back to Alex. Her words stung, but he knew he deserved it. He took a deep breath.

"What I did to you was wrong.. I'm sorry. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do," Brian replied truthfully. Alex felt tears brim her eyes. Was he being serious right now? She had to refrain from laughing a sarcastic laugh.

"I'm sorry too Brian. I'm so sorry that it was hard for you to come into my home and completely rip my family apart. I'm sorry that it was hard for you to come into my life, use me to get close to my brother and pretend to love me. I'm sorry it was hard for you to tell me that you wanted me in your life and then just run away the next day. I'm so very sorry that it was hard for you," Alex spat, a mixture of sadness and anger raging inside of her. She clenched her fists as the tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Brian swallowed hard. It felt like someone was twisting a knife into his chest. After seeing the expression on his face, Alex felt a little guilty for saying all those things. But she wasn't going to apologize for it.

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