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To say that Alex was stressed was an understatement

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To say that Alex was stressed was an understatement. It had been a very eventful few days and it seemed to only be getting crazier and crazier. Alex rested her hands on the edge of the sink, staring at herself in the mirror for a moment. She sighed. A few strands of dark hair fell in her face. She grabbed the hair tie off of her wrist and put her hair into a bun, wanting to get it out of her face. When she heard a sound in the kitchen she quickly went out there to investigate. It was just Brian. He had just come back with Chinese food. The bullet didn't do much damage to Dom so all she had to do was just clean it and stitch it back up, which she had done an hour ago. They were all starving so they sent Brian out to get some food.

"How's he doing?" Brian asked, taking the styrofoam boxes out of the brown bag he had carried them in.

"He's fine," Alex answered, putting her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. She leaned against the wall, her eyes wandering around the room. She couldn't believe this was where Dom was hiding out. The place was tiny and cluttered with boxes, but it was off the grid.

"And how are you doing?" Brian asked, turning his attention towards the dark haired girl. Alex hesitated. Do I give him the real answer or do I just lie and tell him what he wants to hear?

"I'm okay. Thanks for picking the food up, by the way," Alex replied, changing the subject quickly. "I'm going to go tell Dom the food is here. Make yourself at home." She left the kitchen/dining room and headed to where Dom was resting.

It was a small room with an uncomfortable looking twin bed and a few more boxes of junk. The room didn't have a door so Alex gently knocked on the door frame before entering. Dom looked at the girl standing in the doorway. Alex looked down at the box in his lap. It was full of Letty's things. He had been sitting there for twenty minutes trying to work up the courage to open it but he couldn't do it. It was too painful.

"C'mon, food's here," Alex told him, nodding towards the kitchen. She knew he was going through a rough time right now. Hell, so was she. But she also knew that they needed to keep each other going. Dom was always good at distracting Alex when she was upset so Alex felt it was only right that she tried to repay the favor whenever she could. "Brian's here again."

"You okay?" Dom asked, looking intently at his sister. He got off of the bed.

"I'll let you know when dinner's over," Alex said, sighing. She turned around and walked back into the kitchen, Dom following in suit. Brian had found some Corona's in the fridge and got one out for each of them. Alex sat down and opened the first styrofoam box that she saw. It was her sweet and sour chicken. She smiled and began to dish some out onto the paper plate that sat in front of her. The two men did the same. Dom picked up fork full of food and ate it. Alex looked at him in shock.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Alex asked, knitting her eyebrows together. "You ate first now you have to say Grace. Did you forget your own rule or somethin'?" Dom looked to Brian with a smug smirk on his face. Brian shrugged, then folded his hands together to pray.

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