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When the Team arrived at the Toretto house, Leon and Letty grabbed their bags and packed what they could before they rushed off

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When the Team arrived at the Toretto house, Leon and Letty grabbed their bags and packed what they could before they rushed off. They had to get out of there before the cops could get to them. There was no way they're were going to jail. It pained them to not stay with Vince, but they knew he would understand. Alex had been arguing with Dom in the garage about the events that had just occurred. Dom reached over and grabbed the shotgun that their dad had kept hidden, loading it with a few shells.

"Listen to me, dammit!" Alex told her brother in a frustrated tone, slamming her hand down on the counter. Dom just ignored her. They heard the sound of a car pull up. Brian, Alex thought. Dom walked out of the garage and towards the black 1970 Charger that used to belong to their father. Alex followed after her brother.

"Dom, put the gun down now!" Brian warned, crouching down behind the car door, using it as cover. He aimed his Colt Commander pistol at Dom. Alex stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide.

"What the fuck are you doing, Brian?" Alex asked, referring to the gun being pointed at her brother. Alex took a step in front of Dom, hoping Brian wouldn't pull the trigger with her standing in front of him. Brian looked at her briefly before turning his attention back to Dom. Dom moved away from Alex.

"Move your car," Dom said to Brian in a low, serious tone. He turned to the Charger and started to open the door, but stopped when Brian spoke. Brian kept the gun aimed at Dom. He wasn't going to pull the trigger unless Dom forced him to. Even then he didn't know if he would have the heart to do it.

"No bullshit, put it down now!" Brian yelled, his heart pounding against his chest. "No more running." Alex put her hands on her hips.

"I'm not running!" Dom shouted, slamming the car door shut. He made his way towards Brian. Brian stood up, keeping his gun aimed at the bald man approaching him.

"Where's Leon and Letty?" Brian asked him. Alex followed after Dom, hoping that she could prevent these boys from doing something stupid.

"They're long gone!" Dom replied to the blonde, continuing to walk towards him. Brian's eyes flickered over to Alex.

"Then it's over. I didn't call the police, but don't push me! Put the gun down!" Brian demanded angrily. He felt so nervous. He had formed a good friendship with Dom and an even better relationship with Alex and he had ruined them both. "I swear to God!"

"YOU ARE THE COP!" Dom screamed, pointing furiously at Brian. "You're a cop! Brian, I gotta find Jesse before they do. I'm all the kids got!" Dom added in a calmer tone. If Johnny finds Jesse, things won't end well. Brian hadn't even thought about that, his mind had been so preoccupied with figuring out what he was going to do Dom.

"I'll call in the plates. PD will pick him up way before Johnny even gets near him," Brian said, wanting to diffuse the situation. He kept his gun aimed at Dom for his own safety. Dom pursed his lips, then cocked the shotgun back.

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