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Alex had just finished grabbing a load of clothes from the dryer when she heard an annoying beeping sound

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Alex had just finished grabbing a load of clothes from the dryer when she heard an annoying beeping sound. Furrowing her brows, she set the basket of clothes down on the couch and began searching for the source of the noise. She spotted the GPS that Campos had given her. Each driver had one. Whenever it went off, the drivers needed to stop what they were doing and go where it tells them to, regardless of the time and/or place. She picked it up off of her kitchen table. On the small screen it said 'Downloading Correct Coordinates'.

Quickly, Alex grabbed her keys and a jacket. She exited her home and got into her car. The GPS had finally finished downloading and the route was now on the screen. Putting the car in drive, Alex drove off, following the directions. It led her to a large warehouse that almost looked abandoned. She felt nervous. What if Dom isn't here? What if this is some type of set up or something? She swallowed hard. She had been parked outside of the warehouse for a minute now, too nervous to go inside. A man walked outside and pressed a button, a large garage door opening. He motioned for her to come this way. She nodded at him and slowly drove towards the garage door.

Once she was finally inside, he told her to park next to the other cars that were there and wait until Campos gave them instructions on what to do next. She did as she was told. Alex let out a sigh of relief when she spotted Dom's car. She noticed a huge semi-truck that belonged to a local furniture company was also in the warehouse. She wondered what that would be used for, if anything. As her eyes scanned the area, she spotted Brian. It wasn't surprising to see him here but it still made her heart skip a beat every time she saw him. One of Campos's men began to inspect each car, making sure there wasn't anything that wasn't supposed to be there, like a tracker.

Brian realized what was happening and started to panic. He needed to take the tracker out of his car. His boss wouldn't be okay with this but it was either take the tracker out or possibly get shot. Brian fumbled with the tracker, trying to pull it out. He was thankful it was near the gear so no one could see what he was doing. Finally, it came loose and he dropped the tracker into a half empty can of pop he had sitting in the cup holder. He did it just in enough time for the man to come over and inspect his car. That was a close one.

"All clear!" The man yelled after finishing up his inspections. Campos smiled then pointed over to the semi-truck.

"You ever been to Mexico before?" Campos asked, the smile still plastered on his face. Before each car was loaded into the semi, duffel bags were placed in their trunks.

This is going to be a long drive.

Many hours later, the semi-truck finally stopped. Alex was in desperate need to stretch her legs. She had been stuck in her car for so long. After each of the cars were unloaded from the semi, each driver stood next to their car, waiting. Gisele walked up to them, a smile on her face.

"Welcome to Mexico, boys," Gisele said, then looked at Alex, "And lady." Alex smiled at her. "There are helicopters and surveillance cameras that scan for heat signatures at the boarder but there are blind spots that I can get you through via satellite. There can be no margin of error so you must follow my every direction. Any questions?" She explained, her eyes scanning each of the drivers.

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