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Alex felt like they had been driving forever

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Alex felt like they had been driving forever. The sun had risen and was shinning brightly in their faces. After Brian made that phone call, the car was completely silent. Neither of them bothered to speak. They didn't know what to say. All Brian wanted to do was apologize once more and beg for forgiveness. It just wasn't the right time for that right now. Alex wanted answers but at the same time, she wanted nothing to do with Brian.

Brian fiddled with the radio, trying to find something to listen to that would help get rid of the silence. It was driving him crazy. He glanced over at Alex. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. She had been doing her best to cry silently hoping that Brian wouldn't notice but it didn't work much. He still noticed. It made his heart ache to see her like this knowing it was all his fault. Brian opened his mouth to speak but the sound of his cell phone ringing silenced him. He quickly grabbed it from his pocket and answered it.

"Yeah?" Brian said into the phone. Alex refrained from looking at him. She wanted to keep pretending he wasn't sitting next to her right now. "Let me see this," Brian said to Alex, nodding towards the map that Alex had in her hands. She looked down at her hands, almost forgetting the map was there. Her mind was a bit preoccupied.

Brian reached over and grabbed the map, propping it up against the steering wheel. Alex ignored the feeling in her stomach when his fingers brushed against her thigh to take the piece of paper from her. Alex pushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. She almost felt as if Brian could care less that she was this upset.

"Alright, I think we're about forty miles away," Brian spoke to Alex, hanging up the cell phone. He glanced over at the dark haired girl next to him. He handed her back the map. Alex grabbed the hair tie off her wrist and put her hair into a bun, wanting to get it out of her face.

"What exactly are you going to do when you find them?" Alex asked, her voice hoarse. She cleared her throat. When he didn't answer, she spoke again. "Brian, what are you going to do? You gonna arrest us all or somethin'?" Alex asked with a hint of worry in her voice. Brian just looked over at her.

To be honest, he wasn't really sure what he was going to do. He just knew that he needed to do something. The girl huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms. She looked out of the window. Just about a mile down the road, Alex noticed a car that was flipped over. She shot forward in her seat when she realized that car was the same type of car that Dom uses to pull of these jobs.

"Shit! That's them! Brian, that's one of their cars!" Alex said frantically, pointing to the car. Brian pressed his foot down harder, increasing the speed of their car so they could find Dom faster. He didn't stop for the flipped over car. When they passed it, Alex saw Leon helping Letty stand up. They both seemed okay. She turned to ask Brian why he didn't stop for them, but kept her mouth shut when she saw Dom's car driving side-by-side with a semi-truck. Dom's car was beginning to slow. The semi driver had shot out his tires, and also managed to shoot Vince in the process. "Oh my God!" Alex exclaimed as they got closer. She could see Vince hanging off the side of the semi, holding on for dear life. Dom pulled over to the side of the road, knowing that he was screwed. His tires were blown out. How was he supposed to help Vince? His brows furrowed when he watched a orange car fly past him. Brian.

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