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Brian knew he needed to do something

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Brian knew he needed to do something. He wasn't really getting anywhere with this case. The FBI agent in charge, Bilkins, wants to pull Brian from the case and just arrest Dom, but Brian can't let that happen. There had to be someone else hijacking semi-trucks and stealing the DVD players. Brian refused to believe anything else.

Brian pulled up to the empty garage that belonged to Hector. After Hector ordered some suspicious items at Harry's earlier on the in the day, Brian thought that maybe Hector was the one pulling the hijackings off. Brian got out of the car and scanned his surroundings. He didn't see anything. He climbed up the bars on the window and got on the roof of the building next to the garage. He carefully broke the window of the garage with his elbow and then snuck inside. Brian pulled his flashlight out and began to look around.

After looking at every car in the building, Brian frowned. Not one car matched the description of the hijackers vehicles. He knew it was a dead end. He exited the same way he entered. Once he made it back down to the ground, he was hit on the back of the head and fell to the floor. Vince, who had been the one to deliver the blow to Brian, pointed the shotgun at the blonde man. He had been following Brian for the last hour. Vince didn't trust him. If he was going to date someone who Vince looks to as a sister, he needs to make sure this guy isn't up to something. He convinced Dom and Jesse to tag along even though Dom was certain they wouldn't find any dirt on Brian. Jesse just wanted to be apart of the action.

Brian was momentarily knocked out. Vince quickly ran back to the car to bring Dom over. They dragged Brian's unconscious body a little farther into the alley next to the building so they wouldn't be seen. Dom stood in the corner, leaning against the brick exterior of Hector's garage. Brian started to wake up. His head throbbed in pain. He lifted his hand and placed it on top of his head, where the throbbing was the most intense. He winced. Vince pointed the gun at Brian again. Brian knew he needed to play it cool or else he would blow his cover. Brian put his hands up in defense.

"Smells like a cop!" Vince accused angrily. He never trusted Brian. There was something in his gut that told him not to, so he didn't. Dom took a step forward, coming into Brian's view. His muscular arms were folded across his chest.

"Brian this is one of those times where you need to be very clear about what you say. Nod if you understand me," Dom instructed. He didn't know what to feel right now. He was so sure that Vince was crazy. This wasn't going to end well for Brian if Vince's suspicions were right.

"Nod!" Vince yelled. Brian nodded. He was breathing heavily at this point, trying to come up with a plan.

"Sit up," Dom told him. Brian slowly sat up and lowered his hands. Vince continued to aim the shotgun at Brian. "Tell me what the hell you were doin' down here."

"Dom.. I owe- I owe you a ten second car.. and what this is about, this is about Race Wars," Brian said slowly. He was still trying to catch his breath. Vince kicked Brian, almost making him fall over again. Brian desperately wanted to turn around and punch him, but he refrained. "I just went in there and Hector is gonna be runnin' three Honda Civics with spoon engines! And on top of that, he just came into Harry's and he ordered three T-sixty-six turbos with NOS and a motec system exhaust." Vince and Dom shared a look.

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