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Tonight was the big night. It was Brian and Alex's first date. Brian arrived to the Toretto household at nine-fifty. With Brian's fast driving, they made it to Cha Cha Cha within minutes. Alex was dressed in her favorite dress - it was a tight floral print dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Brian already couldn't take his eyes off of her. The hostess led them to their seats and they ordered their drinks. They started making conversation. It seemed like hours had passed. They were so invested in what the other person was saying it made it hard to pay attention to anything else.

"So," Brian asked, pausing, "How is it anyway that the gang came together?" This earned a laugh from Alex.

"We're not a gang," Alex replied, shaking her head. She grabbed her cup of water and took a drink. She set the cup back down on the table.

"Well, what do they call themselves then?" Brian asked of curiosity. Brian wasn't here for the sake of his case. He was here because he likes this girl and wants to get to know her more.

"We're a team. We're basically just a big family, but team seems to fit better," Alex said after a moment of thought. They never really put a name on what they had.

"Alright. So how is it that the team came together then?" Brian corrected himself.

"That's a whole lot of history right there. They've been around for as long as I can remember," Alex said. "I mean, if you really wanna know, I'll tell ya."

"I've got time," Brian said. A small smirk played at his lips. Alex could feel butterflies fill her stomach from the look he was giving her. She felt as if she could melt in her seat right now. She nodded, then went ahead with the story of how everything came to be.

"Vince went to grade school with my brother. They grew up together. Well, I guess I probably should rephrase that considering Vince has yet to actually grow up.. But you know what I mean," Alex teased, laughing. "Letty lived down the street from us. She has always been into cars. Being with Dom just increased her interest in them. Dom always had her attention. Then she turned sixteen.."

"And then she had Dom's attention," Brian finished Alex's sentence for her. She smiled and nodded. Brian picked up his cup of pop and took a sip from it.

"It's funny how that works, isn't it?" Alex asked rhetorically. Brian smiled. "I think they're great together though. They're a perfect match. I don't know anyone else who would be willing to put up with Dom's crap," Alex joked again. Brian laughed.

"So how does Jesse fit into this?" Brian asked. He set his cup back down on the table.

"Him and Leon just kinda showed up one night and never really left. Leon had some family shit going on and we took him in and gave him a place to escape from all that. It was pretty much the same with Letty. That's just the way that my brother is, though. He's like gravity, everything just gets pulled to him. Even you," Alex explained. Brian shook his head.

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