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C.S. Lewis once said, "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." For the last five years, that's what Alexandria Toretto was trying to do. She didn't want to be stuck working at her family's old store for the rest of her life, so she started going to school again. She was trying to follow in the footsteps of her big sister, Mia, and get a degree in medicine, but it just wasn't going the way she planned. Alex wasn't enjoying it the way she thought she would - but then again, she didn't enjoy much of anything these days. The work load was just too much for her. She had never really tried in school and it was beginning to catch up to her. So, Alex gave up. She dropped out and went back to working full-time.

Alex didn't mind working though. It kept her mind off of things. She hadn't seen her family in years. Years. Neither Dom nor Letty has made contact with her in months. Alex almost felt jealous and Dom and Letty got to stay together while she was all alone. Letty came back for a few months. Dom insisted on her doing so. She came by a lot and worked on the beat up Charger. It was nice. Alex didn't have to be alone anymore. She suddenly had stopped coming by which left Alex by herself once more. Vince was somewhere in Brazil. Leon was god knows where and Jesse was dead. Mia was off traveling with a group of doctors who travel around the world to provide medical assistance to those in need. Alex was proud of Mia for doing what she was doing, but Alex was lonely. Not being with her family had taken a toll on her. Growing up, family was always something extremely important in the Toretto household. She had become accustom to keeping her loved ones close. It seemed like it was getting harder to deal with each day.

Alex jumped when she heard the phone ring. It had startled her but also had snapped her back to reality. She set down the plate she had been washing in the sink, then walked over to the phone. She answered it.

"Hello?" Alex asked, somewhat annoyed. It was more than likely a bill collector. She wasn't in the mood.

"Alex? It's Mia," The voice on the other line spoke. Alex's eyes widened. She hadn't heard from her sister in weeks.

"Oh, hey. What's up? Is everything okay?" Alex questioned. Mia usually only called for something important.

"Alex.. There's something that I need to tell you. Are you sitting down?" Mia asked. Alex knitted her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Why would I need to be sitting down? Mia, just tell me what's going on," Alex demanded. She was beginning to grow anxious. Mia was always a straight to the point kind of girl, so Alex knew something was wrong.

"It's Letty... She was in an accident. She's gone."

The loss of a loved one is a terrible thing to experience. With no warning, someone you've known for years just suddenly isn't there anymore. Mia had flown back to LA for the funeral. The two sisters knew they needed to inform Dom of what happened, but both of them were scared to do it. They weren't sure how he would take it. It didn't help that he was half way across the world somewhere. Mia mustered up the courage and called Dom, using the number he had given them. They were only supposed to use that number for emergencies. He was devastated, to say the least.

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