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"So what the hell was that all about?" Brian asked again, this time wanting a real answer

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"So what the hell was that all about?" Brian asked again, this time wanting a real answer. Alex was walking in the middle of the two. Dom had given her his jacket, knowing that she had to be cold in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. They had a long walk home and each of them was irritated from the events prior.

"It's a long story," Dom replied in a dry tone. Alex glanced over at Brian.

"Well, we've got a twenty mile hike. Humor me," Brian said. He was curious.

"A business deal that went sour," Dom said, still being short. Alex rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Now we both know the main reason is because you slept with his sister," Alex spoke up, a small laugh escaping her lips. Brian looked down at her, while Dom just shook his head.

"It wasn't one of my finest moments," Dom admitted, chuckling.

Eventually, the trio had spotted a taxi. That taxi took them back to Dom's house. Alex couldn't be more grateful. Her feet hurt from walking so much. When the taxi pulled up the Toretto house, the three of them got out. The Toretto house was full of people celebrating their victories from a night of racing. Dom and Alex started to walk to the stairs of the front porch. Brian began to walk away. He was gonna have to walk home since he didn't have a car anymore. Alex glanced back at him and noticed him leaving.

"Brian," Alex said, turning around. She walked over to Brian. He turned to face her. "You got any plans right now?" She asked, looking up at him. Being 5'4", Brian towered over her. He was easily over 6'. She liked it though.

"No, why? What's up?" Brian asked, hoping she would invite him in.

"You wanna come inside for a beer?" Alex asked, smiling a flirty smile to try and persuade him. Brian nodded, smiling back at her. She was glad it worked. She wanted to spend some alone time with Brian.

"Yeah. That would be nice," Brian said. He took his hands out of his pockets.

"Okay cool. C'mon, let's go," Alex said, grabbing his hand and leading him up to the house and through a crowd of people on the porch. They walked inside together. Brian had to admit, he wouldn't mind holding her hand more often. He had to mentally smack himself for thinking like that though. You can't exactly date a girl when you're undercover and there's a possibility you're going to send her brother to jail for the rest of his life.

"Yo Dom. Hey man, we were just about to go looking for you brother. Is Alex with you? I couldn't find her. I called her a few times but she didn't answer. " Leon asked as he spotted Dom walking over to him. Alex and Brian had just walked over in enough time to see Dom smack the Corona out of Leon's hand. Dom then made his way over to Vince. Clearly Dom was mad. Leon put his hands up in defense.

Leon spotted Alex and smiled at her. She returned the smile. He was glad she made it home safe. They never talked about it, but Alex and Leon dated when Leon first started hanging around the Toretto house. It wasn't for long because they decided they would be better off as friends. They both still cared for each other, just not in the way they once did. He always looked out for her, and she always looked out for him.

"Where were you?" Dom asked. Vince put down the guitar he had been playing. Everyone else was either drinking, dancing, or making out with someone else.

"There were mass cops there. They came from every direction. That shit was orchestrated," Vince told him. Dom shook his head.

"This your beer?" Dom asked. Vince nodded. Dom grabbed the beer. He walked away. He saw Jesse making out with a girl in the middle of the living room. "Yo Enstein, take it upstairs. You can't detail a car with the cover on," Dom said to Jesse. The two pulled apart, embarrassed.

"Sorry it's a little crowded down here, we can go some place quieter once we get drinks," Alex said to Brian over the music. He nodded. It was at this point that Vince noticed that Brian was here. He instantly got angry.

"Yo Dom! Why'd you bring the buster here?" Vince asked. Dom turned around and gave Vince a stern look.

"'Cause the buster kept me and Alex out of handcuffs! He didn't just run back to the fort. The buster brought me back," Dom yelled, pointing at Vince. Vince stayed quiet. Dom then walked over to Brian and Alex, handing both of them beers. "You can have any brew you want, as long as it's a Corona."

"Thanks, man," Brian told him. Alex let go of Brian's hand, suddenly realizing she was still holding on to it.

"That's Vince's, so enjoy it," Dom said. The two boys looked over at Vince, who was clearly annoyed by this.

"You.." Vince trailed off. Before taking a sip, Brian brought the beer down and wiped the tip off with his shirt. Alex almost blushed as his shirt was lifted slightly. That's a sight she wouldn't mind seeing. Brian brought the beer up to his mouth and took a sip. Vince clenched his fits.

"Brian. You know you owe me a ten second car," Dom told him, a smirk on his face. Letty laughed and dragged Dom upstairs. Brian looked down at Alex.

"Let's go upstairs," Alex told him. "Follow me." She led him upstairs and into her room. She opened the door and turned the light on. She took Dom's jacket off and laid it on her dresser.

"Is it always like this here after a race?" Brian asked, taking another sip of his beer. Alex chuckled.

"Pretty much, yeah," Alex replied. She leaned against her dresser and took a swig of her beer. "Now that you've gotten a glimpse into my crazy world, you sure you still wanna hang around the cafe?" Brian walked over to her and stood next to her. He looked down at her.

"I like crazy," Brian joked with a smile. Alex smiled at him.

"You know, my brother likes you. He doesn't really like anyone. He's picky. I can guarantee that he knows like ten people in this house right now and the rest are strangers, " Alex said to Brian, setting her beer down on the dresser behind her.

"Yeah, he's a complicated guy," Brian said. Alex nodded in agreement. Brian took a swig of his beer.

"Yeah. What about you? Are you also a complicated guy?" Alex asked, resting her hands atop of the dresser behind her.

"I'm simpler," Brian replied. He set his empty beer bottle on the dresser behind Alex, then cocked his head to look at her.

"You're a shitty liar, you know that Spilner?" Alex said with small smile. Brian laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Brian told her. Their heads were facing each other and were only inches apart. The two looked into each others eyes. Alex wanted to grab his face and close the space between them, but instead she stood still, waiting for him to make the first move. She didn't want to rush things. Slowly, he leaned closer and closer. Just as their lips were about to connect, Alex's door was opened and Leon came walking in.

"Whoa, sorry for interrupting," Leon said, noticing how close the two were. He froze. Alex blushed and moved away from Brian.

"What do you want Leon?" Alex asked in an annoyed tone. She sighed.

"I was gonna ask you a favor but I can see you're busy. I'll come back later," Leon told her, sending a wink her way before turning around and walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Sorry about that," Alex said to Brian, clearing her throat.

"Don't be," Brian said. Alex walked to her bed and sat down, making sure to take her beer with her. Brian did the same. For the next hour and a half, the two made conversation. They got to know each other, learning each other's likes and dislikes, their favorite color and animal, and so on and so forth. They had a lot more in common than they thought. After going through three more beers each, both Alex and Brian were tipsy. Brian glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was two in the morning.

"I should probably get going. I gotta work tomorrow morning," Brian said, sighing. He was having too much fun with Alex, he didn't want to leave.

"I would offer to drive you home but I don't think I'm in the best state to do that right now," Alex told him with a smile, referring to her drunken state. "I'll call you a cab."

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