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"Get me out of here!" Braga screamed

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"Get me out of here!" Braga screamed. His hands were still handcuffed together and he was now flipped upside down. His yelling had brought Alex back to a conscious state. It took her a minute to fully come back to reality. Her head was pounding and her leg felt as if it was on fire. When her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight that was shinning on her face she furrowed her brows. How had she ended up outside of the car? She must've crawled out.

She felt something trickle down her forehead. She raised a hand to her head to wipe it off. It was blood, as she had assumed. When Fenix had rammed into them she hit her head pretty hard against the window. The pain she felt in her head was nothing compared to what she felt in her leg. Alex slowly sat up. A wave of dizziness washed over her. She looked down at her knee, where the pain was the most intense. It was swollen and was already beginning to bruise. Alex gasped when she realized that she wasn't the only one who could've been injured in the crash.

"Brian!" Alex called out, her voice cracking. She took a deep breath and tried her best to stand up. She instantly hissed in pain and fell back down. She clenched her fists tightly and blinked back the tears that were forming. She sucked in another deep breath and forced herself to ignore the pain as she stood up. She heard a groan come from the other side of the car. Alex remembered that Fenix was still here so she would have to be cautious. She slowly walked over to where she heard the noise. She spotted Braga standing next to Fenix, but neither of them noticed her yet.

She followed their gaze and noticed Brian who had just crawled out of the car. Her eyes went wide and a small gasp escaped her lips. Fenix's head shot in her direction. He aimed his gun at Alex. She put her hands up in defense. Brian was trying to get up but Fenix kicked him across the face, sending him back down to the ground all while keeping his gun aimed at Alex. Brian tried again to get back up but yet again got kicked back down to the ground. He didn't try to get up this time. Alex could feel her heart pounding against her chest. Fenix didn't think of Alex as a threat so he turned his attention away from her and aimed the gun down at Brian.

Alex knew she needed to do something to stop him from shooting Brian but she had no idea what to do, her mind was clouded from the accident. She spotted a rather large rock near her foot. She bent down and grabbed it. It wouldn't do much, but at least it would distract Fenix for a moment so she could come up with a better plan. She drew her arm back and threw the rock as hard as she could at Fenix. It hit him in the shoulder. He whipped around, an enraged look on his face. He holstered his gun and charged over to Alex.

"Oh shit," The dark haired girl muttered, clearly not thinking that plan all the way through. He grabbed her roughly by the neck with both hands and lifted her into the air. Her eyes went wide as she struggled for oxygen. She kicked and punched but he didn't let go.

"You stupid puta!" Fenix said with a growl, squeezing tighter. There was the faint sound of an engine.

"Let her go!" Brian shouted, his voice straining. He tried so hard but he couldn't even sit up. It killed him that he could only sit and watch this happen. Brian kept trying to get up but the pain was too much. The sound of that engine was quickly becoming louder and louder.

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