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Alex was actually excited for Race Wars this year. Normally when this day rolls around she races a few times for some extra cash but spends the rest of the night feeling bored. The rest of her friends usually go off and do their own thing, leaving her by herself or with Mia. Today would be different. Brian would be there this time.

Alex sat passenger side of Jesse's car while Leon drove. They parked at the starting line of one of the races. Jesse was next in line to race and they drove the car to him while he worked out the details of the race with the man who would be judging it. Leon and Alex got out of Jesse's car. They looked around for Jesse. Alex spotted him running over with Brian trailing close behind. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Brian.

"Visualize the win, Jesse. You gotta visualize it," Leon said to Jesse as they approached. Alex walked over to Brian. He smiled at her, then leaned down for a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey," Alex said to the blonde, smiling. Things between them had been going really well since their date.

"Hey," Brian repeated, returning the smile. It made him happy to see her, but it also made him sad knowing that this situation wasn't going to end well for them. "Who's he racing?" Brian asked. Just then, a Honda pulled up next to Jesse's car. In the drivers seat was Johnny Tran. Alex and Brian shared a look. Alex watched as Jesse held up a pink slip and her eyes widened.

"Jess, don't do this," Alex said, leaning into the passenger side window of his car. Brian did the same. "C'mon, think about this."

"Don't do it. I bet you he's got more than a hundred thousand under the hood of that car," Brian added, trying to help convince him. It wasn't working.

"Uh-huh," Jesse replied in a nonchalant tone. The two drivers revved their engines and Brian, Leon and Alex had to step back. They both knew this wasn't a good idea. Jesse and Johnny sped off. Johnny was beginning to get ahead of Jesse, but Jesse used his NOS, making him fly past Johnny. However, as Jesse's NOS started to ware off, Johnny used his. Jesse then realized he had use his NOS too soon and that he was going to lose. And he did.

"Shit!" Jesse yelled as Johnny crossed the finish line first. Instead of turning around to give Johnny what he had won, Jesse just continued to drive. He needed to clear his head. Leon quickly ran off to go find Dom. Alex nudged Brian, gaining his attention.

"We should probably find Dom," Alex said to Brian. He nodded and they left in search of the oldest Toretto sibling.

"Yo! Heads up, bro. We got problems," Leon announced, getting both Dom and Vince's attention.

"What?" Dom asked, standing up and making his way to Leon. He didn't like the sound of that.

"Jesse," Leon replied, pointing. Dom followed Leon's finger and saw Jesse driving off. Dom sighed.

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