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When Campos excused himself from the trio, Alex trailed far behind him, wanting to see where he was going and if she could find any information about Braga

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When Campos excused himself from the trio, Alex trailed far behind him, wanting to see where he was going and if she could find any information about Braga. She didn't want to send Dom because he could be easily spotted. She was easier to blend in with the crowd due to her height. Plus, Dom was practically famous around here for being wanted by the police.

Alex followed Campos into a long, dark and crowded hallway. There were several people making out. Alex scrunched her nose up in disgust. Get a room, she thought. She didn't like public displays of affection. At least not anymore.

Alex made sure to keep some distance between her and Campos. She didn't want to get caught. She didn't know it yet, but Brian wasn't far behind her. He was following Campos too, trying to do his job. He spotted a familiar dark haired girl just a few feet in front of him. He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. Brian took a few steps forward and caught up with the girl.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked her quietly. Alex wasn't expecting him to be there either. She looked at him surprised. She then looked away from him and kept her eyes on Campos. Campos was talking to a man at the end of the hallway.

"Investigating. What are you doing?" Alex asked. They tried their best to look discreet.

"My job," Brian replied. He stopped walking and gently put a hand on her shoulder so she would do the same. She came to a halt and looked at the man in front of her. "You should go. Its not safe for you. I can handle this." Alex gave him a look. She shook her head, refraining from making a snarky remark. She glanced over Brian's shoulder at Campos. Her eyes widened when he started to turn around. She and Brian can't be seen, he would know they were following him. Alex needed to think of something to do and do it fast. Her eyes flickered over to a couple who were making out. An idea popped into her head.

Quickly, Alex backed up to the wall and grabbed Brian's shirt, pulling him close to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck to try and hide herself from Campos's view. Brian raised an eyebrow at the girl. He didn't mind being inches away from her, but he was confused. He wrapped his arms around her waist, playing along with whatever she was doing. Alex looked up at Brian. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. They hadn't been this close to each other in a long time. She hated herself for how much she wanted to kiss him right now. Brian's eyes searched her face. Alex swallowed hard. She looked over and Campos was gone. She detached her arms from Brian. He did the same.

"S-Sorry. Campos was looking over here and I thought we were gonna get caught.." Alex trailed off awkwardly. Brian nodded.

"No, it's okay. Good call," Brian told her. He was glad she did something to stop them from being caught because he sure as hell wasn't paying attention at the moment. Alex was thankful that the hallway was dimly lit; her cheeks were stained a rosy red tint.

"I think he went into that room," Alex said, nodding towards a door at the end of the hallway that Campos had previously been standing near. She looked down at her feet then began to walk away. She felt embarrassed for doing that. She felt like she should've done something else, but she panicked. Alex isn't used to being in situations like that. Not only was she embarrassed, but being that close to Brian brought back memories. Memories that she didn't want to think about. It made her sad. Brian grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking away.

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