part 1

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A/N: first chapter out. Thank you for reading and giving this a chance.

"Yeji! Will you stop eating your snacks and help me move this couch!? Why did I even agree to live with you!?" Lia, her best friend complains.

Yeji and Lia had just graduated college. They got a job at the same company, Shin Entertainment. Lia is a vocal coach and Yeji is a choreographer.

Their friend, Yuna was able to help them get a job there. Yuna is actually the daughter of the CEO. They met in college and became close even though Yuna is younger than them.

"That can wait! My snacks can't" Yeji replies and sticks out her tongue.

Yeji and Lia had been friends since grade school. They know each other like the back of their hands. Yeji would argue that Lia must not know the back of her hand well because she forgets Yeji's birthday all the time. They had another bestfriend but sadly she passed away from a car accident. Yeji took it the hardest since she was actually in love with their bestfriend was never able to confess.

"Come eat snacks with me first then I'll help. We need energy and sugar" Yeji says trying to convince her friend.

"You have all these snacks but you don't have any donuts" Lia shakes her head at her bestfriend.

Yeji ignored Lia and her love of donuts.

"Lia, my birthday is next month! My 21st birthday to be exact. Soon your 21st birthday is coming. Aren't you excited?" She says.

Lia smiles at her, "Clearly not as excited as you but don't get your hopes up. Just because you are soulmates with them, doesn't mean you will end up together."

"Why do you have to be so negative?" Yeji pouts.

"I'm not negative. I'm being realistic. Yes your soulmate is like your other half but that doesn't stop anyone from falling in love with someone that's not their soulmate. Look at me and Soobin, who knows if he's my soulmate or not but I love him and I don't regret loving him" Lia says.

"But there's a higher chance of your relationship failing. I haven't heard any soulmates couple that got together break up. They said everything is better with your soulmate. The kiss, the hug, the touch and you know? The naughty thing is 10 times better too. I want my first relationship to be with my soulmate and hopefully my last" Yeji argues back.

"What would you do if your soulmate is already in a relationship?" Lia asks.

"I don't know but I can't give up right? I'm sure once they see me they'll start wondering if things really is better with your soulmate" Yeji said with a hint of sadness.

"So you're going to try to break them apart?"

"Of course not! I'm not that type of person" Yeji defends.

"Besides its been proven that soulmate matters. So many couples break up in the long run when they stay with someone who's not their soulmate" Yeji says her point again.

"Besides I don't think Soobin is your soulmate. He's a nice guy and all but I don't think he's all that into you" Yeji adds.

"Yah! How could you say that to my face? At least pretend to be supportive of my relationship" Lia says while hitting Yeji on the arm.

Yeji rubs her arm, "How can someone so tiny have so much power and how can you even move your arm fast enough to generate such power? Sloths don't move fast" Yeji teases.

"How can someone so tall be such a wimp?" Lia says in a mocking tone.

"What does my height have anything to do with my pain tolerance Lia?"

The two looked at each other then laughed at their silliness. The two friends never had a serious fight in all the years they've known each other.

"I'm so excited for our first day of work" Lia suddenly shares.

"I'm nervous. What if they think I'm not good?" Yeji nervously asks.

"They wouldn't have hired you if you aren't good, Yeji."

"Yuna had a big influence on us getting the job" Yeji says.

"You're overthinking. They still wouldn't have hired us if we weren't qualified even if Yuna asked them too. If they hired incompetent people, they would be wasting their time and money."

"I guess you're right. I just want everything to be perfect. This is like a dream job for me. I don't want to lose it." Yeji says tearing up.

Lia went to her and hugs her, "Yeji, you're the hardest working person I know. You will kill it but in a good way."

"Thank you Lia. You really are the best."

"I know. Now help me unpack and arrange the apartment."

The two girls then unpacked their stuff and fixed up the apartment to their liking. Yeji gave Lia the bigger room since it had a bigger closet.

After they were done, they separated their ways and stayed in their own bedroom.

Lia is probably talking to her boyfriend, Yeji thought. So she decided to call her mom. Yeji grabbed her home and dialed her mom's number.


"Mom! I just wanted to say hi and check in on you."

"Thank you sweetie. How's the move going?"

"We're done. Just relaxing now. Lia is probably talking to Soobin."

"Oh okay. Tell her I said hi and when is your first day of work?"

"Tomorrow. I'm really nervous for it actually."

"Don't be. You will be great. Soon we will be seeing your work in the TV."

Yeji tears up. Her family has always been so supportive of her especially her mom.

"Thanks mom. How's dad?"

"You know him. He's out doing God knows what. Probably yardwork" her mom laughs.

"Mom I have to go. I should get some sleep so I don't look ugly tomorrow."

"Okay sweetie. Good luck on your first day and tell Lia good luck too. Be safe! Don't talk to strangers!"

"Yes mom. Good bye. I love you"

Yeji hangs up the phone and lays down on her bed to look at the ceiling. Her thoughts went back to her soulmate and how excited she is to meet them.

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