part 6

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The moment Ryujin found out her older sister passed away, her whole life changed. Regret was all she could feel. She asked her father if she could attend the funeral and visit her mom but he wouldn't let her. In fact, he was furious that she kept in touch with her sister and her mother.

Her parents were not soulmates but they fell in love with each other. When her parents separated, Ryujin's dad got full custody of her and she wasn't allowed to see her mom. She doesn't really know why since she was still young when it happened. She just heard that her mom cheated on her dad when they were together. But her dad remarried right away after finding his soulmate and not long after Yuna was born.

One night when her dad refused to let her see her mom after begging so many times, she ran away. She knew he didn't know where her mom lives since they didn't stay in contact. She also knew it would hurt her little sister for leaving but she just couldn't leave her mom alone now that her older sister is dead. Yuna has her parents and Ryujin's mom just lost the only person she had in life.

She didn't make it in time for the funeral but she's been staying and taking care her of her mom since she moved in. She also started going by the name of Park Jinnie. She couldn't use her real name because her dad might be able to find right away. She also didn't use her mom's family name Han.

Their relationship is not the greatest. Since Ryujin and her sister, Sohee, looked so much alike, her mother hated seeing her because it gives her so much pain. This hurt Ryujin but she also understood.

It's been a while since Ryujin moved in and she's afraid of losing her mother too. The older woman has turned to alcohol and drugs to try to cope with losing her daughter. She refused to acknowledge Ryujin as her daughter but this didn't stop the younger from taking care of her.

At nights, Ryujin mind wanders to Yuna. How is she doing? Is Yuna mad at her? Did she forget her? She misses Yuna so much but she's afraid to go back because of her dad. Ryujin was about to fall asleep when she heard a noise in the kitchen. She left her room and ran down to see what the noise was.

She saw her mom stumbling around in the kitchen, probably drunk.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Ryujin asks.

"I told you to never call me mom! You're not my daughter! I only have one daughter and she's gone!" The mom yells in tears.

Her mom decides to leave the kitchen and head to bed but she was struggling to walk. Ryujin tries to help but her mom just pulls away her arm, "Do not touch me!"

Ryujin sighs and backs off. She watches as her mom struggles to upstairs to her room. Without realizing it, tears were falling down her face. She wonders maybe it would be best if she leaves because then her mom wouldn't be reminded of her late daughter so much. She cried herself to sleep that night.


Ryujin is planning to hang out with some friends tonight. Friends she made while staying at her mom's. Her friends knows who she really is and what her life is right now. They know about her sister and her mom and being one of the daughter of the CEO of Shin Entertainment.

She enters the restaurant they agreed to meet in and looks around for her friends. While scanning the room, she feels someone staring at her but she didn't bother to look if there really was someone.

She hears her name 'Jinnie' being called, she finds her friends and smiles.

"Hey Jinnie" her friend Winter says as Ryujin sits down.

"So why the sudden dinner invite?" Her friend Karina asked.

"I'm thinking about going back home to my dad. My mom just hates me more and more every day. Me being around her is causing her more harm than good" Ryujin sighs.

"Would we still be able to hang out? Does that mean we don't call you Jinnie anymore? Or can we still call you Jinnie? It'd be weird to call you something else" Winter rambles on.

"Winter! Ryujin is expressing her problems and you're worried about if you'll be able to see her still?" Karina asks annoyed.

"And you don't question that?" Winter asks like Karina is the crazy one.

"We would still be able to hangout then I can introduce you to my little sister and my bestfriend. I'm just worried how my dad is gonna react when I come back?" Ryujin sighs.

"Why? Is he abusive? Maybe you shouldn't go back?" Giselle now asks.

"He's not abusive but I know he's going to be really mad and I'm scared of that since I've never really seen extremely mad."

"I was gone for two years. Yuna might have chosen to forget me. Chaeryeong, my best friend, might be mad at me too. I left without saying goodbye to anyone" Ryujin says sadly.

"I'm sure they'll understand. They will accept you with open arms. I would. It's not like these past two years has been good for you" Karina says.

"Thanks. Now let's forget about our worries or my worries and let's have fun tonight!" Ryujin says.

"Wait! Karina unnie, you never told us who your soulmate is? It's been a month and you're still hiding it" Winter questions the older.

Ryujin saw Karina blush and smiles, "Winter, leave her be. I'm sure we will find out soon enough."

Ryujin then gives Karina a knowing look and a wink. The latter then pretends to scratch her brows with her middle finger and makes sure to face Ryujin.

Ryujin laughs, "Let's finish eating and go to karaoke!"

"Karaoke!" Her friends cheers in unison.

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