part 11

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After work, Chaeryeong went to the Shin's house to hang out with Ryujin. The guards let her in since they know her. When she enters the house, she saw Mrs. Shin talking to one of the maid. She bows and walks past them to the stairs.

She walks up the stairs and enters Ryujin's room to see the short girl under the bed.

"What are you doing?" Chaeryeong asks.

Ryujin tries to stand up without getting out from under the bed so she hit her head instead.

"Fuckaroni pasta ass" Ryujin curse while rubbing her hear.

"I see you haven't changed" Chaeryeong laughs, "What were you doing under the bed?" She asks again.

"I dropped my phone under the bed. That really hurts" Ryujin pouts.

"I missed you monkey" Chaeryeong sits on the bed.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry for leaving" Ryujin sits next to her friend.

"Sooo Lia is pretty huh?" Ryujin asks.

Chaeryeong sighs, "Yeah, she really is."

"I'm thinking about asking her out" Ryujin says.

"You can't. She has a boyfriend. Don't ruin relationships Ryujin. I swear I will smack you!" Chaeryeong raises her voice a little.

"I still wanna give it a shot. If she says no okay. But if she says yes? It doesn't hurt to ask. I really like her face."

"True. I guess go for it" Chaeryeong tries to hide the sadness in her voice.

"So when are you gonna tell me you like Lia?" Ryujin suddenly say.

Chaeryeong let out a gasp and looks at Ryujin, "How did you know?"

Ryujin laughs, "You couldn't stop staring at her during lunch. That's why I tried so hard to flirt with her. It was fun torturing you."

"I hate you! I can't believe you did that!" Chaeryeong slaps Ryujin's arm.

"Have they met their soulmates yet? They're older than us so I'm assuming they're at least 21" Ryujin change the topic.

"Yeji unnie is the only one that's 21. Lia unnie's birthday hasn't come yet" Chaeryeong says then gasps once she remembers Yeji's soulmate.

"What's with the face?" Ryujin furrows her brows.

"Nothing. It's nothing. I just remembered something but it's nothing big" Chaeryeong rambles.

"Okay?" Ryujin says not convinced.

"I saw you and that Karina girl are extremely close?" Chaeryeong decides to ask to distract Ryujin.

"Yea. I guess we are. She helped me a lot when I was living with my mom" Ryujin simply answers.

The two bestfriends spent hours getting caught up with each other's lives. Chaeryeong talked more about her crush on Lia.


Yeji and Lia are at home with Yeji pouting and being mad at Lia for no reason. Lia doesn't know at all what she did wrong.

"Yeji, why are you so mad at me?" Lia asks one more time.

Yeji glares at her, "Do you really not know? Huh? Or are you pretending you don't know because you want Ryujin too!"

"What are you talking about? I just met the girl today and in case you forgot. I still have a boyfriend" Lia snaps back.

"You practically enjoyed it when she flirted with you! She said one of us is her type and it's clearly not me since she barely looked at me!" Yeji still irritated.

"Why are you mad at me over something I didn't do? And so what if she likes me?" Lia asks.

"Lia, think about Ryujin. Her sister is Sohee. Doesn't she look like Sohee? Think about my soulmate" Yeji says calmly now.

Lia took some time to think, "Oh my goodness. Ryujin is your soulmate!"

"Yep. The mole on the eyelid. To her unique dimples and her kissable lips but clearly she doesn't even care about me" Yeji sighs.

"She just haven't gotten the chance to get to know you yet. She will love you because duh you're you" Lia cheers up her friend.

"I can't believe you already got so jealous and you're not even together" Lia laughs at her friend now.

"Are you gonna tell her you two are soulmate?"

"No. I'll wait until she turns 21. I don't want to push myself to her if she's not ready to find her soulmate" Yeji replies.

"What if she dates other girls and you see her? She is Yuna's sister and Chaeryeong's bestfriend. We're bound to hang out together. Would you be okay seeing that?" Lia asks.

"I'm not going to lie. It will probably hurt but she's not my girlfriend yet and I believe in the power of soulmates. In the end, she will be with me" Yeji smiles.

"Wow. I don't know whether to feel touched or tell you you're stupid" Lia teases.

"How about you? When are you going to break up with your boyfriend? You barely talk to him now or hang out with him since we started working for the Shin's" Yeji asks.

"I want to but I don't want to hurt him you know? And if I'm single, Ryujin might go after me. I am irresistible."

"My Ryujin has better taste than to go after you!" Yeji exclaims.

"I would say ouch but I think it's just your jealousy showing" Lia laughs again.

"I can't believe that Ryujin and Sohee are sisters. And Ryujin is my soulmate! I can't believe my soulmate is that good looking! What the actual living fuck!?" Yeji acting like Ryujin being her soulmate had finally sink in.

"Now I'm curious about my soulmate. You're making me excited about my soulmate after seeing yours" Lia says.

"She might be dating that Karina girl though. They seemed awfully closed and Karina looks at her with so much care like back off she's mine."

"Back off she doesn't even know you" Lia mocks.

"Was that necessary? To put me down when I'm already down?" Yeji asks.

"I couldn't help it. You're being extra."

They talked about soulmates more until they felt tired enough to go to bed. Lia fell asleep right away while Yeji was wide awake. She couldn't believe her mate is in her grasp now. She was expecting it would take forever to find her soulmate. She fell asleep smiling now that she's seen her soulmate in person.

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