part 30

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Over the course of months, Yeji would receive a gift from her secret admirer with a note of something they like about Yeji. Lia, Yuna, and Chaeryeong would tease her about it but Ryujin would remain quiet.

In those months, Yeji and Ryujin are actually doing well. Minho still approaches Yeji which would end with Ryujin glaring at Minho. The rumors of Yeji being Ryujin's target has died down a bit. Mainly because Ryujin would call them out on it without Yeji knowing.

The main thing that bothers the girls now is the soulmate thing.

They're now in the cafeteria for lunch.

"Your secret admirer is persistent" Yuna comments.

"It's becoming embarrassing. Everyday everyone looks at me when the gifts arrives" Yeji exclaims.

"How come the secret admirer doesn't bother you as much? But when Minho talks to Yeji, you look like you're ready to attack" Chaeryeong looks at Ryujin.

"Because he, who shall not be named, talks to Yeji in person and does his little smile thing which annoys the crap out of me. The secret admirer thing is anonymous. Clearly not brave enough to face Yeji so why would I worry about that? If that person shows up then I would be glaring at them too" Ryujin proudly answers.

"When did you stop referring to me as unnie?" Yeji suddenly asks.

"Since now that you noticed" Ryujin laughs.

"Unnie, the best day is coming up soon. Do you guys have plans?" Yuna changes the topic.

"The best day?" Lia and Yeji both asks.

"Her birthday" Ryujin and Chaeryeong then answer.

"Why is it called the best day?" Lia being curious.

"Because it's the day I was born, duh!" Yuna flips her hair.

"It's the day the amazing Yuna was put into this world thus the world must celebrate. This day should be a special day for everyone especially for the people in Yuna's life. For the reason that they have been blessed by presence. Yuna's bright personality can make any stranger happy. Her beauty is out of this world. No one can beat Yuna. Yuna is the best. Go Yuna! Fighting!" Chaeryeong and Ryujin recites in their monotone voice.

"What was that? You can do better than that" Yuna pouts.

"But did you two memorize that? You said it at the same time like you know it by heart" Yeji asks.

"Yuna made us memorize it so that way if anyone asks about best day we have our answers ready" Chaeryong say.

"Oh my god. You two are so cute. That was funny. Yuna is like your baby and you follow what she says" Lia laughs.

"I'm not their baby. They're just whipped for me" Yuna says.

Lia notices Yeji staring at Ryujin. She takes her phone and sent a text to Yeji.

Yeji looks at her phone and sees a message from Lia asking her what she's thinking since she was deep in thought while staring at Ryujin.

She responds with a lie at first saying nothing but ends up telling the truth in the end.

She was feeling happy just staring at Ryujin. She couldn't help but imagine their future together. She feels like life will not boring with Ryujin by her side. Her childlike tendencies will surely amuse her. But she still feels that fear deep inside. Just because they're soulmates, doesn't mean it will be a happy ending.

Her smile vanishes as she thinks of the possible things that could go wrong such as one of them could die early, Ryujin could fall for someone else despite having Yeji as a soulmate or Yeji could also fall for someone else. She knows it won't happen but she can't say the same for the latter.

Ryujin notices Yeji's frown and makes a note to talk to her about it later.

Lunch is over and Ryujin grabs Yeji so she could ask what was wrong. The three already went ahead without the two. They walk slightly behind their friends.

"What was wrong? What were you thinking?" Ryujin asks.

"What?" Yeji pretends not to know what the other is talking about.

"Honesty and communication, remember?" Ryujin reminds the older girl.

"I feel like things are too good between us right now. I'm afraid something bad is gonna happen to us. Either one of us might die, or you'll fall for someone else—"

Ryujin didn't let Yeji finish talking, "Why are you worrying about that? I can't promise the death thing because you know accidents happen but I'm not gonna fall for someone else. Yeji, a hundred people could try to make me away and I won't go. I'm yours."

Yeji looks down feeling ashamed for even thinking that Ryujin would go to someone else even after showing day after day that the girl only wants her.

"Now if you say 101 people then that one might have a chance" Ryujin says.

Yeji snaps her head towards the younger girl to see her smirking. Yeji glares at her and the latter just laughs.

"That was awesome. You should have seen your reaction" Ryujin continues to laugh.

Ryujin drops off Yeji at the practice room since she's leaving to go somewhere else.

She decided to visit her older sister today.

"Unnie, I hope you're at peace wherever you are. I can't say whether you're up there or down there" Ryujin laughs at herself, "we always joked about how we would see each other in hell."

"I hope you're not mad at me for liking Yeji. I don't know why I find her so special but I do. I yearn for her. I always think about her. I think she's actually my soulmate. I think that's why she doesn't want to tell me who her soulmate is. How awesome would it be? Right? To have Yeji as my soulmate? Be happy for us okay unnie? I miss you" Ryujin wipes the tears on her face.

She went back to the company afterwards so she can take Yeji home. She enters the practice room and sees Minho staring at Yeji with a not so innocent look. This made her blood boil and her body react right away. Next thing she knows, her fist hurts and Minho has a bloody nose.

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