part 37

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The next day, Yeji and Lia shows up to work and sees people talking to each other. Chaeryeong comes up to her, "Are you okay?" Why didn't you tell me Minho touched you!?"

Lia turns to Yeji, "He did?! Why didn't I know this!?"

"I forgot to say? And keep it down will you. I don't need people knowing about it and I was busy talking to Ryujin last night" Yeji nervously chuckles.

"Are you okay though? Did he hurt you?" Lia asks while grabbing the taller girl's shoulders and scanning her from head to toe.

"I'm fine. I kicked his balls so that was an experience" Yeji says.

Yuna comes in looking for Yeji and when she finds her, she runs to her.

"They arrested Minho and the cops are waiting for you in dad's office" she whispers to the older girl.

"What?" Yeji asks.

"Dad saw the footage from last night and gave it to the cops" Yuna explains.

Yeji didn't think about that. She forgot there's cameras everywhere in the building. She runs to his office to see him and the cops waiting for her.

"Yeji, are you okay?" Mr. Shin asks.

She nods her head then she looks at the cops.

"Ma'am we would like to get a statement from you and we assume you're pressing charges against him?" He asks Yeji.

"I–I don't know" Yeji stutters.

Do she want to press charges against him? Would it matter if she did or not? She feels kinda ashamed that this is happening. She remembers how she felt last night. Her body feels so disgusted after he touched her. If she press charges then people really are gonna know he did something. If not, maybe they'll think nothing happened and it was a misunderstanding.

"Do people already know? That's why they were gossiping earlier?" She asks.

"They don't know why. They arrested Minho as soon as he arrived" he says to Yeji.

"How did Chaeryeong know then?" She asks.

"Yuna must have told her. I'm sorry but we will keep this as private as possible" he assures the girl.

"I thought you'd want his ass arrested too. We can get a restraining order. I can hire you a personal bodyguard. I'm sorry Yeji. I should have fired him back then so he wouldn't have been able to do this to you. I'm so sorry" Mr. Shin apologizes profusely.

"Do I have to press charges?" She asks surprising him.

"Is there a reason why you don't want to?" The police asks.

"I guess it hasn't really sunk it yet about how serious yesterday was. I don't want people to know. It's kind of shameful. How could I let that happen to myself. If I press charges then I'm admitting that it really happened" she slowly says.

"Yeji, you shouldn't feel shameful. You didn't do anything wrong. He should be the one feeling shameful" he says to her.

"You have your friends, Ryujin and myself on your side, okay?" He tries to put his hand on her shoulder but she flinches a bit.

"I'm sorry" he says retreating his hand.

"I appreciate your help, Mr. Shin but why?" Yeji curiously asks.

"If I didn't try everything to help you, Ryujin would not let me have a peaceful life" he chuckles.

"You're okay with Ryujin and I?"

"More than okay. You help keep her head on straight. So as a token of my gratitude, helping you in any way I can is the least I can do" he smiles at her.

"Whatever your decision is, I will help you."

"I'd like to press charges but I'd like to stay hidden, please" Yeji states.

The cop and Mr. Shin nod their heads. Yeji gives her statement to them.

"Thank you, Yeji. If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know" Mr. Shin tells her.

"Thank you" she leaves the room.

Yeji walks back to the practice room and everyone seems to be staring at her. It's making her feel uncomfortable.

"What are you all looking at!?" Yuna shouts at everyone in the room.

"Yuna, it's okay" Yeji whispers.

A staff comes in with a gift and card in hand. Yeji sighs, not really in the mood for this. She wishes that whoever this secret admirer would just stop. She loves Ryujin so whoever it is will have no chance with her.

"Delivery for you" the staff smiles.

Yeji still accepts it because she knows that the staff is just doing her job. She opens the card.

Dear Yeji,

I hope you don't blame yourself for what happened. Minho is an ass who can't get an ass.


Your secret admirer

Yeji frowns, she thought it's weird that the person already knew what happened. She now believes that Ryujin is right. Her secret admirer is not Karina because she's not around so how could she know what happened.

Only Ryujin, Lia, Chaeryeong and Yuna knows about what happened. She looks at the card again and focuses on the handwriting. She notices that the handwriting this is different than last time.

She looks at the other three girls and Yuna looks away. She looks back at the card, and realizes that the handwriting is Yuna's.

Her mind went into frenzy. It's not true, Yuna can't like her. She knows Ryujin is her soulmate and she seems so supportive of it.

Yeji runs off leaving the other girls worried. She doesn't know why she's running but she feels like she needs to get away. She starts to feel overwhelmed with everything. From Minho, to Mr. Shin helping, the cops, people gossiping, secret admirer thing, and Yuna possibly being the secret admirer.

She runs until she makes it in front of Ryujin's house. She doesn't know how she got there but she knows she wants to see the younger girl. She wants to see her soulmate. She wants to spend time with her. Forget about what's going on around them. She just wants, for once, things to be simple with just the two of them.

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