part 19

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Ryujin and Heejin are in the dance practice room watching Yeji and Chaeryeong work. The two lovers are busy being touchy, laughing and talking to each other to notice Yeji's pain. Or maybe Yeji just hides it well.

Chaeryeong would constantly check on Yeji to make sure she's okay. Yeji would always reassure the redhead girl so she won't worry.

Heejin is about to leave but before doing so she gave Ryujin a long passionate kiss. Yeji sees the whole thing but can't look away.

Heejin sees Yeji staring and gives the latter a smirk before finally walking out the door. This took Yeji by surprise, she wonders if Heejin knows she likes Ryujin but thought it was impossible since they don't talk to each other.

Ryujin goes up to the 2 dancers, "You two wanna hang out after work?" She asked.

"Sure" Chaeryeong replies.

"Uhh I have other plans. Sorry" Yeji lies.

"Are you okay? We haven't been talking or seeing each a lot lately" Ryujin ask.

"Yes I'm good. I have to go see Lia real quick so if you would excuse me" Yeji says quickly before leaving.

Yeji leaves and Ryujin looks at Chaeryeong, "That was weird."

"You're stupid" Chaeryeong whispers to herself so Ryujin couldn't hear.

"Yeah weird" Chaeryeong say out loud.

"Is she avoiding me?" Ryujin asks her friend.

"Why would she avoid you? Maybe she has a date tonight" Chaeryeong says trying not to sound too annoyed at her friend.

"She has a date?" Ryujin goes in front of Chaeryeong so they face each other.

"Maybe. She's single and hot so be more surprise that she doesn't have a date every night."

"What about her soulmate?" Ryujin curiously ask.

"I guess she hasn't found her yet so she wants to have fun before she does" Chaeryeong walks away to pack her bag.

Ryujin stands there confuse why she feels bothered by this news. She has a girlfriend now, her soulmate, so she shouldn't be upset that Yeji is going on a date.


Yeji is in the vocal room waiting for Lia to finish up when she got a message from Chaeryeong.

Chaer: I told Ryujin you have a date tonight so pretend you have a date tonight!

Me: Why would you do that????

Chaer: just do it! She seemed bothered after I her though

Me: she did?? What did she look like?

Chaer: just bothered. I can't copy her look. Just know she looked bothered. Jeez

Yeji is not sure how to take that news. Should she be happy that Ryujin looked bothered thinking she had a date?

Lia finishes up and approaches Yeji who's deep in thought. "Why are you thinking so hard? You look constipated."

Yeji glares at her, "Chaeryeong told Ryujin I have a date tonight and I guess didn't seem happy about it. Should I get my hopes up?"

"I wouldn't if I were you. If things work out then great but if not then at least you won't be hurt again" Lia says.

"How can I hurt again when it never stops. I'm constantly hurting seeing her knowing she's with someone else" Yeji sighs.

Lia grabs her bag and they start walking to the exit to go home.

"Maybe you should really have a date tonight. I have a friend I can set you up with. It doesn't have to be anything serious. If you two click then great if not then no harm done" Lia suggests.

"I don't know how to date! I decided to wait for my soulmate remember?"

"Then let's go on a double date!" Lia cheers walking ahead of Yeji.

Yeji caught up to her short legged friend, "Who are you going with?"

Lia shows her phone, "Chaeryeong. She agreed so we're going on a double date tonight."

"Wait, Chaeryeong is hanging out with Ryujin" Yeji says remembering their conversation earlier.

Lia shrugs, "Not anymore."


"Ryeong! You said you're gonna hang out with me! Why are you ditching me!?" Ryujin yells out from her bed while Ryeong is getting ready to leave.

"Sorry! Lia says we're gonna have a double date with Yeji so see ya!" Chaeryeong leaves.

Ryujin sits there dumbfounded, her bestfriend just ditched her.

"Unnie, where did Ryeong unnie go?" Yuna asks entering the room.

"She ditched me to go on a double date with Lia and Yeji unnie" Ryujin says pouting.

"Yeji unnie has a date? I thought she liked you" Yuna thought out loud.

Ryujin snaps her neck towards her sister, "What did you say?"

Yuna's eyes widen, "Nothing. You heard nothing."

Yuna gets ready to spring out the door but Ryujin is faster to jump off her bed and block her sisters path.

Yuna takes a step back but Ryujin steps forward, "What did you say? Yeji unnie liked me?"

"No. Why would I say that?" Yuna acting oblivious.

"Yuna, I swear if you don't tell me right now I will eat all your pizza in the fridge!" Ryujin threatens her sister.

"Okay fine. Yes, Yeji unnie likes you or liked you until you broke her heart and went out with that Heejin girl" Yuna says giving up to save her pizza.

"Why didn't she tell me? What about her soulmate? Would she still like me if her soulmate shows up?" Ryujin asks so many questions.

"I thought it was obvious that Yeji unnie liked you. Anyone with eyes could see it."

"Would she choose me over her soulmate?" Ryujin asks no one in particular.

"Why do you care now? You have a girlfriend already. The Ryeji ship is gone so don't bother" Yuna rolls her eyes.

"Ryeji?" Ryujin ask confuse.

"It's your ship name but you had to ruin by dating someone else" Yuna says before leaving.

Ryujin is now left alone. Yeji likes her. Is she willing to leave her soulmate to be with Yeji? But the fear of Yeji choosing her soulmate bothers Ryujin. She's not sure if she's ready to take that risk.

Without realizing it, her hands already grabbed her phone to text Chaeryeong where they are. Chaeryeong texted right away and asking why.

Ryujin didn't bother to answer and drives to the restaurant as soon as possible. She parks her car and enter the restaurant. She looks around looking for the familiar face.

She finds Yeji but sees who she was on a date with and she stops.

"Beomgyu" she whispers, her cousin.

She took a step forward but she saw Yeji laugh and had the biggest smile on her face. Beomgyu seems to be making her happy so she stops again.

She watches them for a bit, she smiles sadly, and turns around to exit the restaurant. She knows Beomgyu will take care of her.

Ryujin's tears were falling down on her face the whole drive home. She was too late but she only has herself to blame. How did she miss that Yeji liked her?

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