part 39

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Today is Yeji's first day of therapy. She's sitting in the waiting feeling nervous. Opening up to a stranger and talking about your problems seems like a bizarre idea for her.

It took some time for Yeji to agree on going to therapy. She struggled quite a bit and would always be on guard when men are around. It became so bad that she would even flinch when her dad would try to hug her.

She also started losing her confidence with her dancing and became more self conscious with her clothes. She started wearing clothes that would normally doesn't wear, afraid she was showing too much of her body and people would think of bad ideas.

Her dance moves became more conservative  and not as powerful. When things got hard, the only things that seemed to cheer her up was Ryujin and the notes her secret admirer would give.

For some reason, her secret admirer knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. It still creeps her out that some anonymous person is probably watching her to know all the things she's been going through but oddly enough, she doesn't find it that creepy to find who the person is to tell them to stop.

Yeji looks around the waiting and began shaking her legs. A door opens and Ryujin comes in.

Ryujin is no longer on a wheelchair. She's been attending physical therapy to strengthen her body and still needs to wear a brace on her leg.

She hobbles towards Yeji and sits on the chair next to her. "I'm so sorry I'm late, Yeddeong. My physical therapist thought it would be a good idea to really push me to my limits today."

Ryujin notices Yeji's nervousness so she takes the order's hand into hers and starts rubbing it.

"It's gonna be okay. If you don't like the therapist, we can find a new one. I'll be right out here waiting for you okay?" Ryujin softly say.

"I'm sorry" Yeji says looking at their hands.

"Why are you sorry?" Ryujin asks.

"You could be at home right now resting after your physical therapy but instead you're here trying to keep me calm."

"Who says I want to be at home to rest? I'm exactly where I want to be right now. With you, in this building waiting for your therapist" Ryujin smiles.

"Yeji?" A woman calls out..

Yeji takes her hand away from Ryujin and stands up. The woman sees her and smiles, "Come on in."

Yeji takes a deep breath and walks to the woman's office. Ryujin watches her with love and smiles. She hopes that this could help Yeji.

An awkward tension is clearly in the air. The woman introduces herself to Yeji and the latter did the same. The therapist did her spill of safe space, confidential information and such.

"So tell me, how are you feeling?" The therapist asks.

Yeji doesn't answer at first because she can't find the right words to describe how she's feeling. She's not sure should she start with something light and then go with the trauma topic or should she just blurt it.

The woman notices Yeji's hesitation. "You're free to share whatever you are comfortable with first. It doesn't have to be negative, it can also be positive if you're more comfortable with that, then we can make out way to the topic you are struggling to share with me."

Yeji nods still not speaking to the woman.

"Who was that with you outside waiting?" The woman starts a conversation.

"My soulmate but she doesn't know she's my soulmate" Yeji finally answers.

"How come?" The woman asks.

Yeji shares her whole reasoning of why and even shares the whole Heejin story. She shares the pain they went through just because of she kept the fact that they're soulmates. The woman just listens which Yeji feels very appreciative of.

Yeji now feels a bit more comfortable talking to the woman in front of her. They move on to the topic of how she loves and adores Ryujin. Also how Ryujin never fails to make her feel loved and adored.

She talks about her friends and her family. Her work and her love for dancing. She even mentions her love of snacks.

The time has reach its hour mark signaling that their time is up. Yeji is surprise with herself because of how much she shared with the stranger.

"I'd like to see you again tomorrow and maybe we can discuss about the other things that bothers you" the therapist suggests.

Yeji willingly agrees thinking that therapy isn't so bad. She's glad that Ryujin was able to convince her to do it.

The therapist writes her name down in her schedule then walk her out. Yeji steps out of the office to see her soulmate hobbling around the waiting area. They male eye contact and Ryujin quickly hobbles her way to Yeji.

"How'd it go? Are you okay? Do you like it?" Ryujin asks making Yeji chuckle.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought. I actually shared stuff. You seem more nervous than I am" Yeji laughs. 

"Sorry. I just know you were hesitant with this whole thing so I didn't want it to be a bad experience for you" Ryujin scratches her nape.

"I'll be back tomorrow. You don't have to come with me this time" Yeji says.

"Do you want me to come though?" Ryujin squints her eyes.

"Yes but I understand if you're busy" Yeji shyly say.

"Nope. Not busy at all. No physical therapy so I can actually take you here" Ryujin gives Yeji a big smile.

"We should probably leave, other people are staring at us" Yeji looks around feeling embarrassed now.

"Let them look. This is our love showing" Ryujin turns around to face the people in the waiting room, "In case you missed it, I love this woman" Ryujin announces.

"Ma'am, you have to be quiet in the waiting area" the secretary says.

Ryujin bows and smile, "Sorry. We will leave now. Have a good day."

The two girls walk laughing. Yeji suddenly pulls Ryujin for a hug, "Thank you."

"Anything for you" Ryujin hugs back.

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