part 27

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Back at work, Yeji and Chaeryeong notices that Minho has been spending more time in the practice room they're in. He usually just checks in then leaves.

They're now in their break so Yeji took this opportunity to tell Chaeryeong what happened last night with the talk with Ryujin but turns out Ryujin has already told the redhead.

Right when they were about to get back to work, the same staff from yesterday came in holding a box of chocolate.

"Delivery for you, Yeji" the staff say.

Yeji takes the stuff and thanked the guy.

She saw another card and read it,

Dear Yeji,

Your voice makes my heart skip a beat.


Your secret admirer

"Wow. Unnie, is this gonna be an everyday thing?" Chaeryeong asked.

"I hope not" Yeji rolled her eyes.

"You don't like having a secret admirer?" The redhead asked.

"I just don't get the point of it. Like show yourself if you really like me."

Minho suddenly joins them, "Looks like you got some chocolates there" he smiles.

"Uhh yea. Would you like some?" Yeji offered.

"No thanks. Do you know who it's from?" He asks.

"Not really. Card just says secret admirer."

"Ahh I see" he keeps smiling.

"Wassup everyone. I'm back, did you all miss me" Ryujin said out loud while walking in.

Her smile dropped when she saw Yeji and Minho close together. She walks up to them smiling again, "What's going on here?"

She saw a card on the floor and read it. She frowns then hands it back to Yeji, "I think you dropped this."

Yeji quickly grabs the card and hides it in her pocket right away.

"Well I should go. It was nice seeing you today Yeji. You look great" Minho says before leaving.

"It was nice seeing you today Yeji. You look great" Ryujin mocks using her annoying tone.

Chaeryeong laughs, walks to Ryujin then whispers, "Try to hide your jealousy a bit" she said before walking off leaving Ryujin and Yeji alone.

"Minho oppa huh?" Ryujin asks.

"Yea. I'm not sure. He just started talking to me one day" Yeji answers.

"Cool cool" Ryujin says trying to act cool.

Yeji smiles, "Are you by any chance jealous?"

Ryujin scoffs, "Jealous? No."

"Okay then. I should ask Minho oppa if he's busy this weekend" Yeji starts to walk away.

"Okay fine I'm jealous. Happy?" Ryujin stops Yeji.

"Yes I'm happy" Yeji gives her a big smile.

"What about that chocolate?" Ryujin asks.

"That's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Let's go somewhere" Ryujin suddenly say.

"I can't. It's not time to go home yet" Yeji reminds her.

"Just come with me. You won't get in trouble" Ryujin trying to convince Yeji to ditch.

"Where are we going?" Yeji asks.

"It's a surprise. So you have no choice but to come with me" Ryujin smirks.

"Or I could threaten not to go with you so you have to tell me" Yeji smiles.

"Well that's no fun then."

Yeji laughs, "I'm kidding. I'll go with you but I better not lose my job."

"You won't. My dad knows I like someone here so when he finds out you're with me, I'm sure he will figure it out" Ryujin says then grabs Yeji's hand.

Ryujin helps Yeji get in the car and they drive to the nearest park.

"Really? You take me out from work to go to a park? We could have done this after work too, you know?" Yeji says to the younger girl confused why they went to a park randomly.

"I know it's nothing special. I just wanted to spend time with you. Like a friendly date and I couldn't wait until later" Ryujin helps Yeji out of the car.

"But your dad might think I'm using you to leave work early."

"You worry too much. I asked him before I asked you to go with me. I just wanted you to think we were doing something spontaneous for a moment" Ryujin laughs.

"I hate you" Yeji pouts.

"No you don't or you wouldn't have come." Ryujin sticks out her tongue.

"So why did you take me here?"

"Like I said. I want to spend time with you. Everything with us went south so fast. The only bonding time the two of us really had was when you hurt your ankle. No pressure though. This isn't a date."

"Can you promise me something though?" Yeji seriously asks.

"Sure thing."

"Let's always be honest with each other. Always communicate with one another. And I don't want us to end the day mad at each other" Yeji says staring deep into Ryujin's eyes.

Ryujin gives her whisker smile, "I promise. But wouldn't you keeping your soulmate from me can be considered as dishonesty?"

"Let's make that as an exception. Please."

"Fine fine. But do you like Minho oppa?" Ryujin asks suddenly.

Yeji hesitates a bit, "No. I don't even know him."

"Why did you hesitate when I asked that?" Ryujin frowns.

"Because I think he's the one who's been sending me stuff as my secret admirer" Yeji explains.

Ryujin frowns even more, "But you only like me right?"

"Is someone being jealous?" Yeji chuckles.

"How can I not be? Have you seen yourself?" Ryujin points at Yeji from head to toe.

"I just want to remind you that even if we're just friends right now, my end goal is for us to be together. At some point, I have plans to ask you out on a real date" Ryujin proudly say.

"That's if I say yes" Yeji jokes.

"Like you'll be able to resist my charms" Ryujin winks.

They decided to go for a walk while chatting. They shared basic things about each other such as favorite, food, hobby, and such. Ryujin would say lame jokes and Yeji would think it's the funniest thing in the world.

After some time, Ryujin gained enough courage to hold Yeji's hands while they walked. The physical touch sent sparks throughout their bodies. Yeji thinks it's because they're soulmates while Ryujin just believes that she might just really like the older girl.

They would continue to talk and tell stories and laugh together. Sometimes they would laugh when they just make eye contact and didn't say anything. Today, the two girls felt happy with each other, not worrying about the future.

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