part 16

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"Lia unnie, are you sure you're up for work today? You can take the day off. I can talk to my dad" Yuna says to a zoned out Lia.

"Yea Lia. Go home and rest please. I'm worried about you" Yeji says.

Soobin broke up with Lia today over text. The whole speech with the its not you it's me cliché. Yeji knows Lia has been wanting to break up with Soobin for a while but it doesn't mean that it won't affect her.

"I don't want to go home to just cry myself to sleep. I can use my time to be productive instead. I don't even know if I'm sad or not. I don't know if I want to cry because I'm heart broken or if I want to cry because i should feel more sad about this" Lia says staring at the wall.

Ryujin comes in with cake and ice cream in hand.

"Yuna told me what happened. I'm sorry Lia unnie" Ryujin set the food down then hugs Lia.

Yeji should be happy to see someone else care about her bestfriend but all she could feel is jealousy. Especially after remembering what Winter said at Chaeryeong's party the other day.

Yeji sees Chaeryeong enter the room and stares at the two hugging. Chaeryeong gives a sad smile before walking closer.

"Lia unnie, is there anything I can do to help?" Chaeryeong asks.

Ryujin and Lia finally pull away from their hug. Lia looks at Chaeryeong and shakes her head, "I'm good. Having all of you here is making feel better already. Thank you."

Ryujin stands up next to Chaeryeong then pushes the redhead girl to Lia. In an attempt to catch herself, it looks like she is going for a hug and that's what Lia thinks too so the older girl opens her arms for a hug.

Ryujin smiles seeing the two hug and knowing Chaeryeong has feelings for Lia. On the other hand, Yeji is looking at Ryujin. She wants to talk to her but she can't find the courage to do so. Ryujin caught the older girl staring at her. Yeji looks away blushing.

Yeji looks back to see Ryujin looking at her then the shorter girls points towards the door. Yeji understood and walks out first then Ryujin follows.

"Why did you want to leave the room?" Yeji asks right away as soon as Ryujin closed the door.

"I wanted to give the two some privacy" Ryujin smiles.


"Don't tell me you don't feel what's going on between them?" Ryujin furrows her brows.

"I know but I thought you liked Lia so why would you want them alone?" Yeji says confuse.

Ryujin grabs Yeji's hand and pulls her to another room. She sits Yeji down and sat in front of her.

"Why do you think I like Lia unnie? Don't say things like that out loud in public again please" Ryujin says seriously.

Yeji gives her a questioning look, "Why?"

"Because I don't want people to know I might like someone. I don't do commitments and if people hear I started liking other people then they'll think they have a chance with me. I'm aware of the girls that flirts with me but they also know I'm not looking for anything serious so they never try to go further than flirting" Ryujin explains.

"Now tell me why do you think I like Lia unnie?" Ryujin asks again.

"Because you said the first time we met that she was your type then Winter said the same thing during Chaeryeong's birthday when the two of you and Karina talked privately" Yeji shyly say.

"I like her eyes when she smiles but that's it. Chaeryeong likes her and I kinda started dating someone yesterday."

Yeji is trying her best to hold in her tears. "You just said you don't do commitments?"

"I don't but yesterday this girl came up to me and said I was her soulmate. She said she's been looking for me for a few months."

"H–how do you know if she's telling the truth?" Yeji stutters.

"She told me some of my hobbies and such. Since I don't know her, there was no way she would know my hobbies but she did. I've heard you see stuff like that in your dreams so I said we will try and when I turn 21 next year, we will confirm it" Ryujin explains oblivious to the fact that Yeji's heart is in pieces right now.

"So you're giving her a chance until you can confirm if she really is your soulmate?" Yeji asks in a whisper like tone.

Ryujin nods, "Yea why not? It won't hurt to try."

Yeji stands up and pretends to get a phone call, "I have to take this. I'll see you later" she says before leaving.

Yeji runs to the restroom and sent a text to Chaeryeong, Yuna and Lia to see if they could come to her.

Chaeryeong and Lia is the first ones to arrive then follows Yuna.

"What happened unnie?" Yuna asks.

"Ryujin is dating someone now that she thinks is her soulmate" Yeji says.

Chaeryeong and Lia gasps while Yuna is confuse.

"Does that mean Ryujin is not your soulmate?" Lia asks.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure she is. All my dreams shows her. Is there someone else who looks like Ryujin and act like Ryujin? I mean Sohee unnie and Ryujin look alike but when my dreams started showing more, it fit Ryujin" Yeji cries out.

"Ryujin unnie is your soulmate?" Yuna ask.

Lia and Chaeryeong glares at her. "Did you really not know?" Chaeryeong asks dumbfounded.

"I must have missed it but I'm caught up now. Continue" The youngest say.

"Is it possible for two people to have the same soulmate?" Yuna ask to no one in particular.

"No. Either Yeji's soulmate is another Ryujin look alike who acts like Ryujin or the girl Yeji is talking about is the one mistaken.

"What do I do? I was so happy to know it was Ryujin. I was willing to wait but now someone else already claimed her?" Yeji sobbing harder now.

The three girls pulls Yeji into a group hug since they didnt know what to say to cheer her up.

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