part 41

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Yeji couldn't sleep all night. It's 5 in the morning and she's waiting on a text from Ryujin. She hopes that the younger girl would wake up already but the anticipation is killing her.

She really hopes that Ryujin would understand why she kept the whole soulmate thing. She doesn't know what she would do if Ryujin decides to leave.

It's 7 am and still nothing. She decides to get ready for work to distract herself. Is Ryujin mad at her or is she actually still asleep? Yeji asks herself.

Chaeryeong came to pick up Yeji and Lia so they can go to work together.

"Have you heard from Ryujin?" Yeji asks while getting in the car.

"Nope. I've tried calling her and nothing. Same with Yuna" the redhead replies.

They get to work and the three look for the sisters right away. They went to Mr. Shin's office to see if he knows his daughters whereabouts. Unfortunately, he left work early this morning.

"Was Ryujin awake?" Yeji ask.

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"It's Ryujin's 21st birthday. She found out her soulmate" Chaeryeong answers him instead of Yeji.

"What?! I forgot Ryujin's birthday!" He exclaims.

"I have to go" Mr. Shin says running off right after.

The girls laugh because they know he's in big trouble with his wife, Yuna and Ryujin for forgetting what today is.

"Now I'm really curious where they are" Lia says.

Lia goes to the vocal floor while Yeji and Chaeryeong goes to the practice room. They were warming up, doing their stretches when the staff comes in holding the gift from Yeji's secret admirer.

Yeji accepts and thank the staff. She looks at the card and the gift. It's a small box that looks like the one for jewelry which confused her. Previously, the gifts are cute and tacky. So she doesn't know why this time, it seems like it would be an expensive gift.

She opens the card and there's no cute message. Instead it's an address and an instruction to go there after work so she can meet her secret admirer.

Yeji didn't realize that Chaeryeong is leaning over her shoulder to read the card.

"Are you gonna go? You should because I'm curious who this secret admirer is" Chaeryeong says.

"Why would I go? My main focus right now is finding Ryujin so we can talk. What if she finds out that I met with my secret admirer? It won't end well for me" Yeji says not believing that Chaeryeong would even suggest that.

"I agree with Chaeryeong unnie, you should go" Yuna walks in.

"Yuna! Where were you?! Where's Ryujin?" Yeji asks running towards the youngest.

"I don't know. I woke up and she was already gone" Yuna answers.

"Am I the only who's worried that no one knows where Ryujin is!?" Yeji says frustrated.

"What if she ran off because she found out I'm her soulmate and hates the idea of it?" Yeji exclaims.

The other dancers look at her after hearing that she's soulmate with Ryujin. Some were expecting it and some were surprise.

"Unnie, you're overreacting. You know how much Ryujin adores you. Why would she run away? If you're gonna make up stuff at least make it believable" Chaeryeong rolls her eyes.

"Yea unnie, my sister is wouldn't run off like that. Just go to that address. We will go with you and maybe Ryujin unnie too" Yuna says.

"Why do you two want me to go so bad?" Yeji is now annoyed.

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