part 40

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It's been a few months since the incident happened with Yeji and started therapy. She has improved a lot since then. She still received a gift from her secret admirer everyday. She never confronted Yuna about it though.

Ryujin doesn't hobble around anymore. She has pretty much recovered but sometimes would feel sore where her injuries are when see overdoes it. She still continues physical therapy to improve her strength.

Ryujin's birthday is also coming up which makes her extremely nervous.

She wishes that what Yeji is doing is what Karina did with Winter. How she didn't say they're soulmates because she didn't want to ruin the surprise but then again after all the hardships they went through, why won't Yeji just say that they were soulmates so they didn't have to experience so much pain. This leads Ryujin to think that maybe they really aren't soulmates.

"What are we gonna do for Ryujin's birthday?" Chaeryeong asks the group.

"We're not doing anything because I want to see my soulmate and react accordingly the next day" Ryujin answers.

"But we want to be there when it happens so you can tell us right away who your soulmate is" Yuna pouts.

"Yuna, you live together. You're gonna be there no matter what" Lia says to the youngest.

"You're right! I can't believe I forgot that" Yuna laughs

"Yeji, why are you so quiet?" Lia asks.

"Oh? What? I'm just thinking" she answers distracted.

"Are you worried about my soulmate? I told you I'll pick you no matter what" Ryujin smiles.

"Yea that's probably it" Yeji lies. She's honestly afraid of how Ryujin is going to react when she finds out that Yeji hid the fact of them being soulmates.

"You're still not going to tell me your soulmate?" Ryujin asks Yeji.

"No. I don't see the point of saying it now" Yeji explains.

Ryujin just nods and smiles, understanding Yeji.


It's finally Ryujin's birthday. The girls are hanging out at Shin's house but they're not spending the night since Ryujin won't allow them.

"I still can't believe you won't let us spend the night" Chaeryoung pouts.

"I'll call you first thing in the morning. Don't pout you little baby" Ryujin laughs at her friend.

"I'm not a baby! You're shorter than me!" Chaeryeong says.

"That's always your come back whenever you don't know what else to say" Ryujin laughs harder.

"Shut up" Chaeryeong smacks Ryujin now.

"Yeji, I'm being abuse. Help me" Ryujin acts cutely.

"Ohh my poor baby" Yeji goes to Ryujin cradles her like a child.

Ryujin sticks her tongue out at Chaeryeong and the latter rolls her eyes while Lia and Yuna laughs.

"You two are disgusting" Lia jokes.

"Disgustingly cute" Ryujin proudly says.

"Are we done now?" Yeji asks giving Ryujin a kiss on her cheek.

"Yes. Thank you Yeddeong" Ryujin smiles.

"When did you start acting like a baby?" Yuna asks her older sister.

"Since it seems to work on Yeji when I want something" she answers.

"She does it all the time" Yeji scoffs.

"That means she wants you all the time" Lia winks.

"I do want her all the time" Ryujin innocently say.

Chaeryeong and Yuna laughs the most. "Yuna! How do you know that Lia was implying something else?!" Chaeryeong faces the youngest.

"What was Lia unnie implying?" Ryujin asks everyone.

"That you want Yeji unnie all the time as in a sexual way" Yuna explains getting a glare from Chaeryeong.

Yuna turns to the red head, "Unnie I'm an adult. I know about sex."

"You better not have had sex though" Ryujin coldly say scaring Yuna.

"Unnie, I wouldn't do that. I wanna be like you. Save for that someone special" Yuna hugs her sister.

"Yuna, you're squishing me" Ryujin whine.

"It's not my fault you're short" Yuna pats Ryujin's head.

"Is that the only thing you can use against me? Am I that perfect that only my height is my flaw?" Ryujin teases.

"No. You're short, impatient, messy—" Chaeryeong starts to list Ryujin's flaws.

"Yeji, they're picking on me again!" Ryujin frowns and stomps her feet.

"I don't think they're your flaws. I think they're your charms" Yeji hugs Ryujin now.

Ryujin smiles right away because she enjoys it when her body is physically touching Yeji's body.

"Why are you smiling so creepily?" Lia asks Ryujin.

"Because I'm in my heaven" Ryujin answers. Yeji pushes the shorter girl away from, "Why are you so cheesy?"

"Why are you so perfect?" Ryujin says instead of answering.

Yeji rolls her eyes but can't help to smile. She never expected her soulmate to just click with her like this. This is better than what she could ever imagine but still deep down she's worried about Ryujin's reaction.

"Yeji, why do you look down all of a sudden?" Lia asks.

"Nothing. I must be getting tired. It is getting late" Yeji makes an excuse.

"Do you want to spend the night here then? If you're tired" Ryujin asks.

"Yah! You said we can't" Chaeryeong couldn't believe what Ryujin said.

"But this is Yeji. She's my love. My one and only. The reason for my heart beat. My sunshin—" Ryujin is cut off by Yeji.

"I think they get it" Yeji laughs lightly.

"But I'm okay. Lia and I should go though. We will take Chaeryeong with us" Yeji says.

"Hey I didn't say I was ready to go home" Chaeryeong pouts but Lia gives her the look and she quickly gets her stuff ready.

The three girls bid their goodbyes leaving the sisters alone. Once they were out of sight, Ryujin takes a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Yuna asks.

"I'm really worried about going to sleep tonight and not seeing Yeji. The gift tomorrow is gonna depend on what I see. Either way she will know I'm her secret admirer so I'm nervous about that too because it's like lying to her" Ryujin sighs.

"I'm sure she will understand, unnie" Yuna comforts her sister.

"I hope so. I should get ready for bed then. Wish me luck."

"Good luck unnie. I'm sure it will work out in the end" Yuna smiles knowing that her sister will see Yeji.

Ryujin lays in her bed trying to fall asleep but the anticipation is making it hard. After long hours of doing nothing, she finally feels sleepy. Shortly after she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore.

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