part 3

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It's been four weeks since Yeji and Lia started their job. So far, they still love working there. Yeji and Chaeryeong became friends. Jihyo is taking care of Lia very well. Yuna would sometimes hang out with them if she's not too busy.

Yeji have forgotten about Yuna's sister. Since that day during lunch, the topic never came up again. Although she's still curious.

With Yeji's birthday coming, it's been bittersweet for her. She's excited for her 21st birthday because she finds out who her soulmate is but she's also sad because her other bestfriend is not around to celebrate it with her but she knows wherever she is, she's watching over her and Lia.

"Yeji are you excited to sleep tonight? Soulmate time!" Lia cheers.

"I am. I wonder if he's handsome or if she's beautiful" Yeji wonders.

"Would you prefer a guy or a girl?" Lia asks.

"I prefer a girl but I have a feeling my soulmate might be a guy."

"Why?" Lia looks at her confused.

"Just a gut feeling. I have a feeling he's gonna be handsome guy" Yeji smirks.

"I hope your soulmate is ugly" Lia jokes.

"Maybe I don't care as long as we're compatible!"


Night time has come and Yeji is definitely feeling anxious. This is the moment she's been waiting for.

She's hoping for a few things. She hopes that her soulmate lives in the country as her. She hopes that her soulmate is single. She hopes her soulmate won't be hard to find. Lastly, she hopes her soulmate is not younger than her.

She doesn't mind waiting but she thought it might be easier to find each other if both of them are looking.

Yeji lays down on her bed. Her heart beating fast from anticipation. She stretches her arms and yawns. She closes her eyes and slowly drifts off to dream land.


Black hair...medium length...fair skin...button nose...brown eyes...nice body...handsome...woman...


Yeji wakes up remembering her dream. Before she even realizes it, she's crying. Her sobs was so loud that Lia barged into the door to see why Yeji is crying.

"What happened?" Lia asks.

"M–my s–soulmate" is the only thing Yeji can say through her sobs.

"What? What about your soulmate?"

"She's dead" Yeji cries even louder.

"What? How do you know?" Lia is now extremely confused.

"My soulmate is dead Lia! My soulmate is Sohee!" Yeji screams.

Lia became quiet. Unable to say anything to cheer up her friend. She knew nothing will help. Her friend misses Sohee and now she finds out they're soulmates.

"But Lia Sohee was already 22 when the accident happened. Why didn't she tell me we were your soulmates?" Yeji asks having a hard time to breathe.

"I don't know. Maybe she wanted to wait until you find out for yourself to not take away the excitement of finding out who your soulmate is?" Lia says unsure.

"Does this mean I'm gonna die alone? Relationships with someone who's your soulmate are most likely to fail. So I don't want to start a relationship and just end up heart broken."

Lia hugs her friend, "You're never going to be alone. We're soulmates too, didn't you know that? Bestfriends until the end. I wouldn't let you be alone. I'll be by your side and my soulmate would just have to deal with that."

Yeji chuckles a bit while still crying, "What happened to Soobin? You were so convinced that you're gonna stay with Soobin and now you're talking about your soulmate."

Lia pushes her friend, "I'm trying to cheer you up and you have to audacity to tease me!?"

"I couldn't help it. But seriously, what changed? Soobin being an ass to you?" Yeji asks.

"No, he's still as caring as ever. But I think you were right. Things are better with your soulmate. Jihyo said the same thing then I saw how happy she looked with her soulmate, I was envious. I'm happy with Soobin but Jihyo and her soulmate were glowing but things with non soulmate can be good too."

"I miss her and I had feelings for her so it hurts more to find out she's my soulmate" Yeji sighs.

"I'm sure there's other people out there who's soulmates has passed. I'm sure they're also dating and being happy. Don't let this soulmate thing hinder you down."

"Lia, I've been waiting for this since I found out. This was the day I looked forward to the most. Now every time I will sleep, it will hurt. I'm always going to dream about her."

Lia doesn't know what to say now because she's right. You end up dreaming about your soulmate every time you sleep until you've connected with them. It's kind of faith trying to push you together no matter what. It wants you to feeling longing for each other.

What cruel world, Lia thought. The world not giving people a second chance if they're soulmates doesn't exist in this world anymore.

"Lia! You're spacing out! I really appreciate you helping me but we have to get ready for work!" Yeji waves her hand in front of her friend's face.

"Oh right. Let's go have breakfast first" Lia says excited.

Yeji walks out of her room and saw balloons hanging up. She saw a happy birthday sign hanging and a lot of food on the table.

"Lia! You cooked?! How?!" Yeji asks completely surprise.

"Yah! I should be offended but no I didn't. I don't know how" Lia laughs.

"Then who cooked this?" She asks.

"Hi sweetie" Yeji hears a voice say. She turns her head to where the noise comes from and sees her mom and dad smiling.

"Mom!" Yeji runs to her mom for a hug.

"Hi sweetie. We heard everything and were sorry about your soulmate" Her mom sweetly says.

Yeji just hums.

"What am I chopped liver? Don't I get a hug?" Her dad jokes.

Yeji releases her mom and went to her dad to hug him before he sulks.

"Thank you for coming" she mumbles on his shoulder with tears coming out of her eyes again.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world" her dad says.

She let go of the hug then hugs her bestfriend, "Thank you Lia."

"You're welcome. I also told Yuna were gonna be late so we can enjoy a proper birthday breakfast with your parents" Lia informs Yeji.

Yeji's heart feels heavy but having her family and her bestfriend eases the pain a bit. She happily watches them while she stuffs her mouth with waffles. She just hopes she can still find love in the future.

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