part 9

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Yeji woke up today feeling excited for some reason. She's really in a good mood. Even Lia noticed it back at their apartment.

"What got you so happy?" Chaeryeong asks instead of greeting good morning.

"Well good morning to you too. And I honestly don't know. I just felt refreshed this morning. The more I see my soulmate in my dreams, the more hopeful I feel that she's still out there" Yeji happily says.

"You're weirding me out. Also be prepared, Yuna says she's bringing in some people for us to meet today" Chaeryeong announces.

"Do you know them?" Yeji asks.

"Nope. I didn't even know she's out there socializing" Chaeryeong jokes.

"When are they coming?" Yeji asks another question.

"We're all having lunch together so let Lia know please."

"Why can't you let her know?" Yeji stares at Chaeryeong.

"Because she's your bestfriend, duh" The red head says before walking away.


"Are you sure you're gonna go to the company? You just got back yesterday. Shouldn't you rest?" Yuna says to her sister.

"Yes I'm sure. I want to surprise Ryeongie and I promised some of my friends I would give them a tour today" Ryujin says while getting ready.

"But you're still grieving unnie" Yuna softly says.

"I know but sitting at home is not gonna do me any good. Might as well go out and distract myself you know?"

Yuna smiles, "Are you ready to go? I have some friends for you to meet too."

Ryujin nods and they leave to go to Shin Entertainment. The car ride there was quiet. Ryujin kept to herself while Yuna would chat with the driver.

When they arrived, they went to their dad's office first and Ryujin texted her friends to see when they would get there.

"Ryujin, are you sure you're up for it today?" Their dad asks.

Ryujin sighs, "Yes dad. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Everyone asking if I'm good or if I'm okay is making me not okay so please I'm fine."

"Okay. My apologies. When your friends get here, you're welcome to tour everywhere in the building but please Ryujin do not cause troubles" he glares at her daughter's innocent face.

"When have I ever caused you troubles, father?" She says pretending.

"Let me see, aside from running away. Property damage? Does that recall your memory? And—"

"Okay I get your point" Ryujin stops her father.

He laughs, "Go on. I have a lot of work today. Have fun but not too much fun. Yes I'm talking to you Ryujin because I know Yuna is responsible enough."

The two sisters leave their dad's house. "Can you believe dad thinks I would cause trouble? Like what?" Ryujin asks in disbelief.

"Well unnie, your track record is not the greatest you know. You broke the doors in the bathroom because you were curious if you're strong enough. You started a food fight in the cafeteria because you saw it in a movie. You—"

"Okay Yuna, I get it. No need to continue."

Yuna laughs and hugs her sister. Ryujin's phone starts ringing and she answers it.

"Hello. Shin Ryujin speaking."

"Hi, this is Giselle. May I speak to Jinnie please?"

Ryujin rolls her eyes, "Giselle, it's me."

"I thought you said you were Shin Ryujin?"

Ryujin heard some noises on the other line but didn't think much of it.

"Give me the phone" she hears someone say.

"Hey Jinnie. This is Karina. Sorry, Giselle decided today is her stupid day of the week."

Ryujin laughs, "It's okay. Are you here yet?"

"Yes we're at the front. Come get us. We're too scared to walk in by ourselves."

"Okay I'll see you in a bit" Ryujin hangs up the phone.

"They're here" she says to Yuna.

The two make their way to the front door and sees three girls patiently waiting.

"Jinnie!" Giselle runs to her and hugs her. Karina and Winter follows.

"So this is the real Jinnie huh? Shin Ryujin. It feels weird" Winter says.

"How is it weird? Everything about me is the same except the name."

Karina notices the tall girl next to Ryujin. She coughs to get Ryujin's attention.

"Oh right. This is my younger sister, Yuna. Yuna, these are my friends. Karina, Winter and Giselle" Ryujin introduces them.

"Didn't grow up in Korea?" Yuna asks.

"We did. We just prefer using our English names. Do you have an English name?" Karina asks the younger.

"Hussey" Yuna smiles proudly.

"Oh Uhm that's unique" Winter says unsure.

"Anywho, shall we take the tour? Then we wil have lunch with my bestfriend Chaeryeong and a couple of Yuna's friends" Ryujin announces and claps her hand.

Yuna is the one to show them around since things have changed since Ryujin saw the place last. As they tour the place, everyone was staring at them. The people that knew who Ryujin was, were shocked to see the girl back. The people that didn't know, were just mesmerized by her charm. She presents herself with such cool, laid back manner. They couldn't decide how is she handsome yet so pretty.

"Why are people staring?" Giselle asks.

"Probably because my unnie is back. She was the talk of the town when she left. Well more like they talked in secret because dad didn't allow them to talk about her openly for my sake" Yuna explains.

Ryujin suddenly feels guilty. Her sister must have been hurt from her leaving.

"So what's the name of your friends?" Ryujin asks her little sister.

"Yeji unnie and Lia unnie. Lia unnie goes by her English name too. You'll love them. They're extremely nice."

"How'd you meet them?"

"College. They thought I was a senior because of my height and I'm pretty mature then they graduated and left me alone until I had the bright idea of offering them a job here" Yuna laughs.

"Your heart is too big my baby sister" Ryujin smiles.

"Ewww. I didn't know you're this sweet Jinnie. I almost didn't recognize you" Winter says ruining the sisters moment.

Karina glares at her and Winter just shrugs her shoulder.

"Enough. I'm hungry. Let's eat!" Giselle says.

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