part 36

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Ryujin is now out of the hospital and is bored at home. She called Karina earlier to come over but still hasn't arrive yet.

Yuna is at the company so Ryujin has been bored out of her mind since morning. The hospital gave Ryujin an electric wheelchair so she's been busy using it while wandering around the house.

She's been pretending to be racing around the house and he's been making car noises. The maids in the house just let her do her thing. They find it amusing how Ryujin is just playing around.

Karina finally makes it to her house. "What are you doing weirdo?"

"Important things such as racing in the house" Ryujin answers making it seem like Karina is the weirdo for not understanding.

"Also Yeji thinks you're the secret admirer" Ryujin says before racing around the house again.

"What!? Did you tell her I'm not and that its you!" Karina runs after her.

"Why would I do that? I did say it's not you but I didn't say it was me" Ryujin laughs still going around with her electrical wheelchair.

"Ryujin, this is bad. She thinks I'm her secret admirer!" Karina exclaims.

"She doesn't. I told her that it's not you and that's all that matters" Ryujin says.

"What the heck?" Yuna says.

"Yuna, what are you doing home?" Ryujin nervously ask.

"I was worried that you're bored and cause troubles so I came home early. You're Yeji unnie's secret admirer? Why?" Yuna asks.

"Because I just want to be. I want to be her secret admirer, her lover, her friend. I just want to be those things to her, is that too much to ask?" Ryujin sighs.

"But it doesn't make sense. Since you two are practically girlfriends" Yuna states.

"Exactly. You're wasting your time" Karina says.

"Nothing I do that involves Yeji is a waste of time!" Ryujin quips right away.

"Since now you know, you're taking over for Karina to give the gifts to the company to give to Yeji. Please?" Ryujin pleads while raising one of her brows.

"Fine. I'll go along with your shenanigans since I'm curious too" Yuna says.

"Is Yeji doing okay today? People aren't mean to her right? Minho is leaving her alone?" Ryujin asks a series of questions.

"She's fine. People are still thinking that she's using you or you're using her. They can't get enough of that rumor" Yuna rolls her eyes.

"Should I marry her then?" Ryujin asks seriously.

Karina and Yuna looks are at her to see if she's joking but she wasn't. "Are you serious?" Karina asks.

"What?" Ryujin says obliviously.

"You think marrying Yeji is going to solve the rumors? Are you seriously thinking that?" Karina frowns because of confusion.

"No?" Ryujin chuckles, "I just want to marry her."

"You're moving way too fast, unnie" Yuna says.

"Fine fine come play with me, please" Ryujin pouts.


In the practice room, Yeji is focus on dancing. She's working with a solo artist on a sexy choreography.

While dancing, she fails to notice someone has been watching her.

"Yeji, you are so good at this" the artist says.

"Thank you. I hope so, it is my job" Yeji laughs.

"That's it for today though, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Yeji smiles wiping her sweat.

It's the end of the day and everyone is gone. Yeji stayed because she wanted to perfect her choreography. The door opens startling her since she thought she was the only one left.

"Hey Yeji" Minho has a devilish smile.

Yeji didn't answer and gets ready to leave instead. Minho grabs her arm and pulls her into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Yeji questions trying to get away.

"Do you really think I'd let you go now after seeing you dance like you did earlier?" Minho whispers in her ear.

"Let go of me!" Yeji screams.

"Or what? Ryujin will hurt me? She can't even move properly" Minho then wraps his arms around Yeji's waist.

Minho then sniffs Yeji's neck, "Even your sweat smells sexy."

"Stop, please" Yeji begs still trying to break free from him.

Minho didn't listen but instead starts kissing her neck. Yeji feels disgusted by her actions. She needs to stop him. She stomps on his foot as hard as she can and Minho let's her go.

"You bitch!" Minho yells.

"You're disgusting!" Yeji yells while kicking his balls.

Minho face turns red, his mouth hangs open, he holds his crotch with both hands while curling up into a ball on the ground.

"I don't need Ryujin to protect me from disgusting people like you!" Yeji takes the phone hanging on the wall and calls the security.

They quickly came and takes Minho away. Yeji doesn't care where they take him, shes just glad that he's gone.

She takes a deep breath with her body still trembling. She can't believe she was able to protect herself. She feels so scared still after what happened. She's debating whether to tell Ryujin or not because she's afraid the younger girl might do something to Minho that could get her hurt or in trouble.

She grabs her bag and the gift she got today from her secret admirer falls out. She sighs, "Then I have this secret admirer thing to worry about. Why is love so stressful?" She asks no one.

She calls Ryujin on her way home, she thought she should tell Ryujin because of the honesty and communication thing.

Ryujin answers right away with her voice sounding so excited.

"Why do you sound so excited?" Yeji asks.

"Because you called and I get to hear your voice" she says to the older girl.

Yeji laughs, "How was your day?"

"I'm bored. I miss you and I'm bored and I miss you" Ryujin says.

"I miss you too. Work is not the same without you being playful with everyone" Yeji says.

"What's wrong Yeddeong? You don't seem like your usual self?" Ryujin suddenly asks.

Yeji takes a deep breath, "Minho touched me inappropriately. Don't worry though, I kicked him the balls. I'm okay so don't worry."

"He what!? I'm going to kill him!" Ryujin angrily says.

Yeji tells her exactly what happened and Ryujin wants to go see him to hurt him but Yeji is able to calm her down. They continue talking until Yeji gets home and gets ready for bed. They talk until it was time to go to sleep.

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