part 38

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Yeji knocks on the door and the maid let her in. They didn't need to guide her to Ryujin's room since she knows where it's at. She enters the bedroom without knocking to find the younger girl panicking.

"Ryujin" Yeji whispers.

Ryujin looks at Yeji and wheels herself towards her. "Where have you been? I've been calling you nonstop. I was so worried about you."

Yeji doesn't say anything. She just stands there covered in sweat. "My dad told me what happened. Come here" Ryujin pats her lap.

"You're still injured" Yeji finally speaks.

"I'll be okay. Come on. Talk to me" Ryujin pats her lap again. This time Yeji didn't hesitate and sits on Ryujin's lap.

Yeji lays her head on her soulmate's shoulder and let all her tears out. Everything she's been holding back, she let out in that moment in Ryujin's arms. The younger girl didn't say anything, she holds Yeji the best she could with injuries.

Yeji stops crying hard, "Do you see or feel different about me knowing that I've been touched by someone else?"

"Yeji look at me" she says to the crying girl, "Why would I see you any different? You're still my Yeji. You're the still the one that holds my heart. You're still this beautiful woman that makes me eyes do the heart shape things."

"My dad said you didn't want to press charges because you're afraid of how people will look at you?" She asks and Yeji nods.

"You're a strong woman, Yeji. An amazing woman and anyone with eyes will be able to see that. Minho doing what he did is not going to change who you are" Ryujin gives Yeji a warm smile.

"I didn't realize how it affected me until today. Last night while talking to you, I felt fine. But today I feel like a mess" Yeji cries again.

"You went through a traumatic experience. It's understandable with what you're feeling right now."

"I am glad that you came here though. I was worried something else happened to you" Ryujin says.

"I flinched earlier when your dad tried to touch me" Yeji whispers.

"It's okay, Yeddeong. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna take time but it's gonna be okay. Have you thought therapy? My dad can find you the best one" Ryujin suggests.

"I feel like going to therapy means that there is something wrong with me" Yeji pouts.

"Anyone can go to therapy. It's good for ones mental health. You don't have to suffer from trauma or anything to go to therapy. Sometimes it's just nice to have that outlet. Whether it would be about a stressful week or whatever" Ryujin says.

"Can I spend the night here tonight? I really just want to be with you and I'll think about therapy" Yeji asks.

"Of course, you can even move in if you want" Ryujin tries to joke but Yeji just glares at her.

"Do you wanna do something with me?" Ryujin suddenly asks.

"Ryujin, I don't think I'm ready for that step in our relationship" Yeji says.

Ryujin looks at her confuse, "What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" Yeji asks instead of answering.

"I was gonna suggest that we ride around the house on my wheelchair but now I'm curious what you thought I meant" Ryujin gives her a smirk.

"Nothing but why would we do what you suggest?" Yeji asks.

"Don't you want to ride the Ryujin express? It's a ride where we can go as far as the battery will let us" Ryujin laughs.

Yeji grabs the back of Ryujin's neck and pulls her face close to hers. Ryujin gulps staring at Yeji's lips. The older girl quickly gives Ryujin a kiss on the tip of her nose and gets off her lap.

"I like this. With just the two of us. I like being with you" Yeji says as she sits on Ryujin's bed.

"You know you're free to come here anytime. I can even give you the code to get in. You don't need to knock and everything" Ryujin wheels herself to Yeji.

"As amazing as that sounds, I don't think it would be appropriate. Your dad and step mom might not like the idea" Yeji says.

"Have you thought about therapy?" Ryujin brings up the topic again.

"Do you think it could help?" Yeji asks.

"It doesn't hurt to try, right? I'll be there with you every step of the way" Ryujin smiles.

"Oh my god. I'm so selfish. I didn't even ask you how you're doing" Yeji stands up kind of panicking.

Ryujin laughs, "It's okay, my injuries are nothing compared to what happened to you."

"What are you talking about? You literally have broken bones" Yeji exclaims.

"Bones heal easier than emotional trauma" Ryujin reasons.

"I'll go to therapy if you come cuddle with me and maybe take a nap with me?" Yeji cutely asks.

"I thought you'd never ask but you have to help me get on the bed" Ryujin chuckles.

Yeji stands up and helps Ryujin get on the bed. Once she gets Ryujin situated, she walks to the other side so she can lay down next to the younger girl.

"Wow you really just wanted to spend time with me huh" Ryujin smiles.

"Yea. I just feel like we haven't had a lot of time where it's just us two, you know?" Yeji yawns.

"Also, you're right Karina isn't my secret admirer. I think it's Yuna. The card I got today, it looked like she wrote the message in it" Yeji yawns again.

"Go to sleep, Yeddeong" Ryujin whispers.

"Don't leave okay?" Yeji asks.

"Where am I gonna go with my broken body?" Ryujin laughs.

"Not funny" Yeji scoffs.

After some time, Yeji falls asleep. Ryujin stares at her and just admires the sleeping beauty. "I really hope it's you who I'm gonna see in my dreams on my birthday. I can't imagine myself being with anyone else but you. I love you so much Hwang Yeji. I will choose you no matter what."

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