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The Next day we went to school.
Rowen, Hayley and I sat together at lunch.

"The timers still going off why didn't it stop when we found her"Hayley asked looking at her phone.

"It must be for something else"I said

"Right"She replied

"Do you think Ash and Elisia could be in on this together?"Rowan asked.

"That doesnt make any sense"Hayley said

"They could be messing with us

"I like her,I trust her"I said

"Do you trust me"Rowan askes

"Yeah"Hayley and I both replied with

"Then why wont you tell me your secrets"Rowen asked.

A shorter boy with brown flat hair walked by out luch table.

"Oh,Hey Rowan"He said stopping

"Hi"She relied happily.

He quickly walked away.

"Atleast hes your age"Hayley mumbled before the three of us stood up.

"Hey where have you been all day thot"Nikki asked Hayley.

"Todays been nuts"She said

"Coach said I have to wear my uniform for tomorrow's assembly so I need to do that whole bun braid thing could you do my hair the a.m."Nikki asked

"I-I dont think I can"Hayley replied

"I need you"Nikki said

"You can do it, youtube it, lets get to class"Hayley said to Rowan and I before walking away.

The bell rang so we split our ways and walked to
class.After  class I stopped in the bathroom.
As I was in the stall I could hear banging from the outside.The door shook back and forth.

"Someones in here"I said

The banging and shaking continued

"Hold on"I scoffed getting anoyed .

The banging stopped as the lights flickered off.
I turned on my ohone flashlight and walked out of the stall.There was writing on the miror in red lipstick.

'Die Bitch'

It read.I slowly backed out of the bathroom when I noticed that no one was in there.

That night I got a text from Rowan telling me to meet her At the Ghrotto.When I got there I was supprised to see cop cars swarming the place.
I walked over to where her and Rowen were.
Hayley explained what happened.She told me she got a message telling her she was next and she found Ravens body.

"Monkey man was there,He  was standing right above me I started screaming and these boys heard me.I slipped away when they werent looking"She explained

"Did the cops see you"Rowan asked.

Hayley shook her head

"Do you think hes gonna kidnap me"She asked

"What the hell is going on here"Ash asked walking from behind us.

"Its that girl? They found her body"I said

"Damn,here these will help"He said giving pills to Hayley.

"I dont want them"She said

"You texted me so pay up" He replied

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