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The weekend flew by.

"Nice hair"I said to Rowen as she stepped off the bus.It was now shoulder legnth.

"Thanks"She said feeling it, almost as if she had forgotten that she even cut it.

"I needed a change"She said

"Tell me about it"

"What's d you do this weekend"She asked

"Hide under the covers,you"I joked

"I moved my stuff from my dad's" to my mom's.I tried to stay busy,you know?Distract myself,maybe"She told

"I didn't get any messages,did you"I asked

She shook her head.

"Have you guys heard for Hayley"Elisia asked catching up to us.

"I texted her like a million times"Rowen told

"She ghosted me too."

"Should we be worried"Elisia asked

"I mean, she was so freaked out after that bonfire.Like shell-shocked or something."

"I've litterally never seen her like that.I called, but her mom picked up and said she was sick.I texted her though, to meet us at her locker before Nikki's assembly."Rowen said

"Clearly were still all processing what we saw Friday night. I'm just gonna say it out loud. Zoe is king Cobra..or Queen Cobra"I said

"Are we absolutely sure though?"Rowen asked

"Doesn't matter if we aren't"I mumbled

"I'm sorry"She repeted

"100%"Elisia said immedietly
"I didnt need to see her face, I saw six feet of spider leg,it's Zoey"She continued

"You know I actually recogonized someone else there, too."

"Who"I asked Rowen

"Sean,I think."

"Really"Elisia asked

"Yeah,and I was thinking, maybe thats also why Hayley was so freaked out.Maybe she rocogonized him, too."

"What if Zoe had someone shoot Ash?What if it was Sean"Elisia asked"Why would anyone want Ash dead"She asked

"Y/n and I have first period with her. I'll come out and ask her."Rowen told

"We need to end this"I nodded

Rowen and I walked to English and split off from Elisia.

There was a short woman in a red jacket that I haven't seen before standing at the front of the class.

"Good morning, I'm filling in for Miss Dawson for a while.Let's get started."She said happily

Rowen turned around and shot me wide eyes. The seat next to her was empty.Zoe didn't show.

The teacher started taking attendance.

I looked over at the empty desk that sat one row up,three seats over.It was empty.

"Brandon Darrow"She asked

One of the boys in the class started laughing.

"He got busted,he's locked up."

A few other people started laughing.

I sighed and tried to calm myself down.

"Okay..."The teacher tired calming down the class.

"Y/n Y/l/n"The teacher repeted.

"Here"I said quietly.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.I pulled it out and hid it under the desk.It was a flash fron King Cobra.

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