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We met up with stinger like we were supposed to hoping that Hayley would show.

"Where is she"Rowan asked

"She hasn't returned any of my calls"I said

"She should be here by now"Elisia said

"They had teargas that they threw like a smoke bomb ,at Hayley.Where would they get something like that"Rowen asked him

"Picture it like this:it's like craigs list on the deep web.Its way easier then you think you can do anything.The zoo is throwing their party animal rager sometime soon.It tells about it on the site.I guess they text the time and adress the night of kinda thinking about going little bee looking to sting.
Hey Rowans when does your sister get out"Stinger asked

Suddenly Hayley walked in.

"Hayley I called and texted you like a thousand times did you get any of my messages"I asked

"yes thats why im here"She said

"Sean had the pigmask in his locker"I said

"Aye guys come here"Stinger called from over at his laptop.

We all walked over to where he was.

"King Cobra left the zoo website hes creating his own now he went underground"He said showing us a video of snakes then clicking to a different website.

"What is that"I asked

"He's in the onion"Stinger said

Everyone looked confused .

"The dark web"Elisia told us.

"Its like the normal web but totally hidden and anonymous you need special softwear to enter this
site im accessing the site with Tor,but only like creepy crawly ass people are down there..Shit just got real "He said.

We all exchanged looks.

The following night The three of us were watching Hayley preform in the play. The show went on Hayley came out in a black dress and a purple wig. Suddenly the lights went out. When they flickerd back on there were five nooses hanging from the ceeling. Nikki and Hayley were holding hands on stage when someone dumped a bucket of red paint of them.The audience chattered amongst themselves. Later That night we all met up at Elisia's house.

"Hey,sorry it took me forever to get past my dads watchdogs"Rowen said coming in and sitting down.

"Are you guys okay"she asked

No one answered her.

"What the hell was that,paint?"

"Did you see? King cobra sent out a video to the school"Hayley asked

"It was a video...of me and coach Edwards"Nikki said

Rowan pulled out her phone

"Dont watch it"Nikki said

"Theres already a hashtag"I said

"Nikki nails coach"Hayley said

"Thousands of comments,my life is over"Nikki said

"Atleast his wife will leave his fat ass and he'll go to jail" Hayley said

"Is this the first time you've heard from King Cobra"Rowan asked

She shook her head.
"No he came to my house, he set a fire in my backyard She said

"Why didn't you tell me"Hayley asked

"we don't even talk anymore"Nikki said

"Who else had access to the video"I asked

"No one it was on my phone"Nikki replied

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