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About two months later, Hayley was coming back from Rehab since her OD. None us really talked except Rowan and I.We were closer then ever since that night. The next day we had school. Rowan and I were walking to class together when someone shot a giant paint balloon at us trying to make fun of us for that night two months prior. Treavor and Brandon were standing there laughing while Sean recorded. Normally I would stand up to them,but I couldnt. That night hurt me and it really hurt to know that Brandon would do something to try to make me remember.I guess I was wrong.

"Thats a good look on you"Treavor said

"Looks familiar huh"Sean asked.

I picked up Rowans book and handed it to her before grabbing her hand. We waked away to the bathroom
to clean the red off our faces. Hayley walked in.

"Ro, Y/n"Hayley greeted.

"I didnt know you would be right back to school" Rowen said.

"My mom didn't give me a choice"Hayley replied

My phone pinged.I looked at it and saw a new flash from Trevor. It was the video he had just taken of Rowan and I.

"What is it"Hayley asked

"You'll get it im sure Treavor sent it to the whole school"I said

"I dont have my phone, is it a flash?"she asked

"Yeah"I replied

"This is the third time hes hit us with a blood balloon"Rowan told

"They always sound exactly like a gunshot"I said quietly.

"Atleast you know it will dissapear"Hayley said

"You know when somethings out there it doesn't disappear. There are gonna be a thousand screen shots by noon"Rowen reminded

She picked up her phone.

"Did you see this one"She asked showing her a meme of Rowan covered in blood with the caption.

'When your so ugly he blows his brains out'

"He tweeted it and it basically went viral"She said

"I never saw that"Hayley whispered

"My mom moved us"She spoke up

"Yeah"I said

"She didnt even tell me until she picked me up she said she wanted a clean start.I loved that house" Hayley said

"Me too"Rowan agreed

"You should really check your texts"I said

"I like not having a phone you guys should try it"Hayley suggested

"We never heard angthing from monkey man incase you were worried."I let her know

Just then Nikki walked in

"Nikki"Hayley said before Nikki walked out.

I continued to clean my shirt

"What happened to her"Hayley asked

"Same as all of us"I replied

The next day we had school once again.
As I was waking in the halls I ran into to the others

"I need to tell you guys something"Rowan said

We all looked at her waiting for what she needed to say.

"I got annother flash from mokeyman"She said quietly.

"Thats not possible hes dead"Hayley reminded

"I know, I was there remember"She replied

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