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"Jake's gun is gone"Elisa said showing us where she had burried it the night before.

"This is bad.I can't believe someone was in Tessa's room"Rowen said

"She tweeted this morning, so shes still alive"Elisia reasured

"Thats fantastic"I said sarcastically

"Why tessa?"Rowen asked

"Probably cause she was so damn nosy.She asked everyone about Nikki.And shes suspicious about this one girl, Jai Mathis.She took ger her phone and found photos of me from the night Ash was shot.When I was supposed to be dead"She told

"So Jais a zoo member"Rowen sais

"Maybe she knows who shot Ash"I said

"Maybe she shot Ash"Elisa mumbled

"Was Zoe even King cobra"Rowen asked

" Maybe The real Kingg Cobra killed Zoe. Maybe its exactly what Brandon was saying"I suggested

Rowen was about to speak up.

"Yeah,I don't care about the stupid 'you can't fall in live with him' shit.I'm serious.It went fron him to Zoe to someone else"I said

"Maybe Jai"Rowen suggested

Elisia's phone pinged.

"It's Mr.Empty"She saud nervously

She clicked the flash and opened it.

Talk to anyone,the cops will cuff you first

It read.

She clicked the video that was attached.It showed her holding the gun that was used to shoot Ash.

"Just like always"Rowen shrugged

"Were trapped"U said

"Jake's gun has my fingerprints in it, and King Cobra has a video if me burrying it right here.King Cobra shot Ash when I was at the Ghrotto that night.Maybe Hayley was right,we should leave town."Elisia ranted

"We can't let them scare us away"Rowen reminded

My phonw pinged

I pulled it out and looked at the message.

"What is it"Elisia asked

"Nothing important"

"I'm gonna see if stunger can track Mr.Empty"Elisia said before leaving.

"Rowan"I asked

"What up" She asked looking away from her phone.

"Could I maybe spend the night at your house"I asked

"Yeah,whats wrong"She asked

"Ny dad's out of town, I really don't want to be alone"I said

She smiled before pulling me in for a hug.

We walked back to her house.

"Ugh, what is he doing here"Rowan asked as we walked into the living room.Trevor and Brandon were playing video games.

"Is she my birthday presernt? Rowan,you remembered"Brandon joked

"Shut up Brandon"Rowen said

"Chill Sis"Trevor said

"Were leaving"I said pulling Rowen towards the door

"No, stay.Please.I knew you wouldn't come if I told you he would be here"He hopped over then couch and walked over to us.

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