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The next day we planned to set up the plan.I explained it to the girls and they hesitantly agreed. Stinger worked on the bomb while the four of us gathered around him after completing our parts of the plan.

"If you hit the button enough times its gonna look like its stuck.That should give Elisia enough time to drive the car out of sight"He said

"Hey,are you sure you can do this"Rowan asked placing her hands on Elisia's face

Elisia nodded.
Hayley handed me the deerhead that she crafted.

"Staghead"She said

"Hayley this is beautiful "I said

That night we set the plan in motion.I recorded myself placing the bomb on the tire of Jakes truck.
I pointed the carmera at her as she walked out of her house on the phone.She got into the truck and drove it out of thr driveway. I showed myself hitting the button with her driving away in the background.
She stopped the truck and quickly got out.Stinger threw the bomb in the truck and the three of them ran out of sight.I directed the camera to the truck as it blew up.Elisia rushed to the ground and Hayley put fake blood around her.I walked around the corner and quickly recorded it then ran off.I captioned the video Accidents Happen ,Then sent it to him.

I was relieved once I took off my mask.We went back to Elisias house.

"You sent it to King Cobra right"Hayley asked while Elisia powered off her phone

"Are you sure I have to turn it off"She asked

"They could be tracing your phone"Rowen reminded

"Don't turn it back on,no matter what"I told her

"If they figure out your alive were in trouble."He said

"Your dead remember that,okay no calls, no lights, no contact.You cant leave"I told her

"for how long"She asked

I shrugged .
"Till we find out who he is"I guessed

"Somethings going on with Ash, and if he hears something happened to me-"She started

"I'll call-"Hayley said hopping off the counter.

"No,no calls they could be tracing them remember"Rowan reminded

"We'll find him I promise,and we'll check on you every few hours.Bring you whatever you need"I said

Rowan nodded

"I hope this works"Hayley said

And with that we left to look for Ash.
We checked a near-by restaurant

"He's not here"Rowan said
I walked inside more to look further.
Hayley grabbed my arm.

"If this works are you sure you want to be the one to meet King Cobra"She asked me

"Yeah"I said turning to her

"Okay then we will as soon as we find Ash"Hayley said

"Lets check the Ghrotto"Rowan suggested

We walked to the other side to exit.Hayley stopped when she saw Sean sitting at one of the tables.I noticed the back of a familiar brunette head and kept walking..
When we walked outside Hayley and Rowan were following me.I saw the headlights of a car turn on. Rowan backed up but Hayley stood there staring.It started to drive at us.I shoved Hayley out of the way and started to run.The car sped up.I felt myself being pushed across the street out of the way.
The car turned around the corner and I looked up to see Brandon holding me out of breath.I looked across the street to see Hayley in pain from when I pushed her.Brandon slowly released me when he saw what I was looking at.I rushed over to the girls to see if they were okay.When I turned back Brandon was gone.

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