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The next day while I was at school I  went on Brandons Flash to see if I could find out where he lived. I saw a post of him sitting on his roof with his adress attached. I zoomed in and found it.I took a screen shot then went to class.After school I decided I would walk to Brandons house to see if I could find anything. I walked up and knocked on the door,he answered it.

"What are you doing here"He asked

"Hi studdy buddy"I greeted sarcastically

"you dont quit do you"he asked

"never" I said walking right by him into his house.
We went up to his room.

"Hey uh do you have anything to drink"I asked

"Yeah is water okay"He asked

I nodded and he left. I began to dig through his dresser and hamper I looked on his desk.
he walked in with a glass of water

"What are you doing"He asked smirking
I reached in my back pocket and pulled out the small notebook.

"this fell out of your back pack it had a news clipping inside Dunbar Rakes.Why do you have that?"I asked

"My mom sent it to me when he died.I went to camp with him when I was little, here"He said placing the glass down on the table.

"Thank you"I replied

He itched his face and I noticed bruises  on his knuckles.

"What happened to your hand"I asked

"Oh...not a big deal"He replied

"You know the night of Nikkis party?"I asked walking around his room.

"Yeah"He replied

"You told me Dunbar stood up for you, but you didnt do the same for him.You just stood there laughing, why"I asked

"Why does that surprise you"He asked looking at me.
I didnt respond.He stood up and walked closer to me. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

"Im a bad guy y/n,right"He said softly

I was quiet again.

"Stay away from me"He said getting closer

I walked out of his room and left his house.
The girls and I met up outside of school.
Elisia and Rowen sat down next to me before class.

"I went through Trevors backpack and found this.its hunter-y right"I asked her

"Yeah its a rifle scope, my uncles used to take me shooting."She said

"Hunting season,could be him"I suggested

"A note in my locker really"Hayley asked

"Your not answering your phone so welcome to the 90s" Ro said before taking a sip of her drink.

"Why does seeing the two of you guys together give me anxiety?"Hayley asked

"Elisia got a message okay she basically got attacked."I told

"Someone in a bunny mask shot at me with a paint gun"She said standing up and showing us the bruise.

"A bunny mask?"Hayley asked

Elisia nodded .

"I saw someone in a pig mask and a monkey mask"Hayley said


"At my audition,he drove off in a blue truck. I didn't want to say anything"

"Yeah ignore ignore ignore we get it.Treavor is a hunter,so he probably has a paintball gun"Rowen stated

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