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Hayley informed me that Ash had been shot.Elisia called her crying from the emergency  room.When we arrived, we ran down the hallway to comfort her.

"How's Ash"Rowen asked

"He's in surgurey. It was his stomach...or heart. I don't know there waa just so much blood"She said sobbing more.

"He'll be okay"I reasured

"They don't know if he's gonna make it"Elisia said.

The four of us were silent.

"It was Brandon"I said

It felt wrong to say.Would he really do all of this after what was going on between us?Or was there never anything going on with us?

"First it was Nikki,then Ash.Were next"Elisia said before crying more.

Rowen and Hayley sat next to her and started comforting her.

I still didn't believe Brandon was behind all of this.

Rowen's phone pinged.

"It's Stinger.He wants to meet"She said

We waited till morning to meet with him.

"I can get rid of Brandon,I just need your help.I wrote a terrifying online manifestation.I falseized some online purchase orders, looks like this guy is planning another Columbine.

"All I have to do is send an annoynomus tip to the athourities.Should I do it?"He asked

Rowan, Hayley and Elisia looked at me.

"Y/n"Rowen asked

"I canʻt be here for this"I said before leaving.

I walked around town all day.I didn't know what to do with myself. It was nearly night by the time when I made it home.The TV was turned to some western show, but my dad wasn't around.I heard movement in the hallway.

"Dad"I called out into the house.

He didnʻt respond.

I turned off the TV before walking into the hallway.It scared me when I heard my phone ping.It was Stinger.

I just got another ping from Dunbarʻs phone.

It's at your house!

The messages read.

I looked around and continued to walk down the hallway.

Are you sure

I texted back.

"Y/n"I heard the familiar voice say softly from behind me. I turned around and was met with Brandon't blue eyes.

"Brandon"I said quietly.

"I wanted to give this back to you"He held out my necklace

I picked up my phone to text stinger back.

"Just listen to me.Please put your phone away"He said calmly. I backed up and ran into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

"Y/n, just listen to me, please"He begged from outside the door.

"You were trying to kill us"I said

It was the first time I had cried in a while.

"No, I'm not.Just listen to me,okay"

He was crying.

"Okay?"He asked calmly.

"A few years back I logged onto the zoo website to talk shit about my dad,and I met monkey man.We bonded over our shitty dads, and I gave him advice about his bullies."He told

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