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"I can't believe none of you told me this is was still going on after Dunbar" Jake said as we sat in Elisia's living room. "My buddy says Lance isn't talking.He hasn't mentioned any names, you guys included. His hard drives, they basically self-destructed. Erased themselves. So they can't find much."He told us.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Hey, I'm glad your okay"Tessa said walking in and hugging Elisia. Jai followed her in.

"You guys could still be in danger.Mr Empty was arrested, but we dont know if this is over or not" Elisia told them

"It's never over.Every time we think were safe,were wrong"I said

The door opened and Brandon walked in without even saying a word.

Jake walked over to him and stood up taller.

"Relax Jake."I told him.

Jake turned around and looked at me before moving out of my way.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me in to hug me. He handed me a pile of clothes.

Elisia and Rowen glanced at me.

"So Mr. Empty's locked up"He asked

"He said King Cobra was just name"Elisia said

"He could be anybody"Rowen said

"Did you guys find anything on the tape"I asked Brandon.

"No, I think It might be a code or a message,but I can't figure it out."He said

"Elisia is okay if we stay here tonight"Tessa asked her

"Yeah"She nodded

"All if you should. Just in case"Jake looked at Rowen.

"I don't want any of you guys out of my sight untill we know who the new King Cobra is."Jake told us

Rowen went to Jake's room to talk with him while Ash and Elisia went out in the back yard.Tessa and Jai went to the spare room while I went to the bathroom to change.

I put on the clothes which consisted of a familiar dark blue hoodie i instantly recogonized as his.

I stepped out on the front porch and walked over to the railing.

"Y/n" Brandon's voice got closer.

I turned around.

He looked at the oversized sweatshirt.

"I have something for you" He said

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black phone.

"This is Dunbar's phone.I wanted to give it to you that night, and then at the Ditch. I just--I had to show you this. Dunbar wrote these like little notes in his phone, like a journal .At the night of the party he wrote, 'I'll never be able to hurt Y/n once she knows who I am she'll tourture herself more then I ever could'. Dunbar knew you were a good person, and I needed you to know that too" He said.

He picked up the charn on my necklace.

"I got it so I didn't forget her"I said

I felt my face heat up.

"Y/n, you have to forgive yourself."He said quietly

He walked towards me and tilted his face to kiss me. His hand rested on my cheek pulling my face closer to him. Our lips moved perfectly in sync as we quickened our pace. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his hands in my hair slightly lifting me off the ground.

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