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The next day as I was walking to class Treavor began to yell.

"Hey, Hey does anyone have a gun here?Anyone have a gun"He said as him and Brandon walked infront of me stopping me.

"Cause I woukd rather put a bullet in ny brain then look at your face for annother second."He said.I just stared at hin blankly.

"Boom"He said before walking away.

Brandon hesutantly followed him.

"Treavor shut up im sick of you talking shit to her" Brandon said quite loud as they walked down the hall. I stopped and turned around

"What man"Treavor askd

"What do you mean what? I'm sick of you talking shit to her she never did anything to you"Brandon said

"Oh seriously Brandon, come on you always agree with me"Treavor yelled as I stood their listening.

"Shes a stuck up bitch that makes everyone miserable"Treavor yelled before Brandon shoved him against the window

"You know what,you are the problem okay if you even mention her again or look at her. I will tell everyone about that night"He said a little quieter.

"Screw you man"Trevor yelled

"Alright"Brandon asked

I walked away.

"Go play with your girlfriend then" Trevor joked

That night I snuck out and went to Brandons house. I peered into the widow and saw his dad asleep at the TV. I walked around the side of the house and saw a ladder leading up to the roof.I peeked in to the window on the side and heard something fall from the roof.I tured around and saw a baseball.I looked up and saw Brandon staring down he signaled for me to bring it up. I did just that and climbed up the ladder. He took my bag when I got up there and put it down next to him.

"Isn't it past your bedtime"He asked sarcastically

"Probably"I said sitting next to him.
"but I wanted to ask you a few questions about our project"I said

"Ohh yeah the project right"He said sarcastically once again.

"Did you play base ball with your dad"I asked

"Damn girl, right to the point"

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah, coached me, gave me his old glove.I would wear it everywhere,to school,to bed,I wore it in the shower"We both laughed

"Did he go to your games"I asked him

"Yeah every game, front row with pop corn.I mean you saw him what do you think" He sarcastically asked.He looked disappointed since his dad was never really there for him.

"Why did you defend me this morning"I asked looking to him..

He turned his face towarda mw and smirked
"Cause im a nice guy"He joked

"No,no your not"I laughed back.
"whats the real reason"I asked again.

"Treavors annoying, and you didnt tell the guys about Fishy"He said

I laughed.

"You could have roasted me with the fact that a carry around a stuffed animal in my backpack ,but you didnt,so I guess I owed you one."He said

I looked over to him again.
"I don't need you to defend me"I said

"I know"He replied

We were both silent for a few moments.

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