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We hid for what felt like forever for the  person in the mask to leave.

"Do you think they're gone"Elisia asked

I peeked around the corner of the counter and saw the person in the mask standing outside.

"He'a still there"I said quietly.

"It's been atleast ten minuets"Elisia complained

I looked at the figure and stood up.

"Y/n don't"Rowen said louder then expected.

The girls quickly followed me over to the door.

I hit the glass window and nothing happened.

"Their dummies"I said opening the door.I pushed the dummy over.

"We're the dymmies,Zoe wants us to think she has an army"Rowen explained

"She might"Elisia reminded

A loud alarm stared to blare.We ran out the back sliding door and walked back home.

The next morning I was taking a shortcut near the ditch while scrolling on Hayley's flash feed.We weren't as close as we used to be,but it still hurt that she left without saying goodbye.A notfication quickly came through.I looked around to make sure no one was there before clicking it.

2 Down
3 to go

It read.

I put my phone away and started walking faster. I couldnt shake off the feeling that I was being followed.

"Y/n" I heard a voice call from behind me.

I turned around and saw Brandon smirking at me.

"I thought you wanted me to stay away from you"I said as I continued to walk.

"I did, but...I can't"He said walking slightly behind me.

He was out of breath from running to catch up with me.

"And why not"I asked

He grabbed my hand and turned me towards him.
When I got a better look at his face, I noticed the brusises and cuts. I placed my hand on his face and ran my fingers over them.

"What happened"I asked him softly

"When I kissed you,I felt it.I know you felt it too y/n" He said

I took my hand off his face.

"I don't know what your talking about"I lied

"Don't lie to me"

"I'm not"I lied again.

He swiftly placed his hand on my face before pulling it  closer to his as he kissed me.

I tried to pretend like I didn't feel it.

"You can't tell me you don't feel anything for me"He said

I tried not to smile, but miserably failed

"Yeah, I thought so"He laughed

I rolled my eyes befire walking away.
He followed me.

"Hey how was prison"I asked sarcastically

"Oh, it was great."He joked.
"I bet you missed me like crazy"

"I don't  know about that"I shrugged sarcastically.

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