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I was impatiently waiting for the girls to show.

"Guys"I yelled once I saw them.

"Hayley's mom said that she's missing"I told them as we walked down the gravel road on the outside of the ditch.

Rowen nodded.
"My dad told me."

"Do you really think Hayley would just leave without saying goodbye"Elisia asked

"No."Rowen replied

"Do they know what train she got on"Elisia asked

"My dad called like five minuets ago.He said that Hayley bought a ticket for California. I keep wanting to text her,then I remmember she left her phone at home.

"This is so crazy"Elisia said

"She's really scared isn't she"I asked

Rowen took out her phone.

"Do you guys know Hawke"Elisia asked

"I met him once."

I shook my head

"I figured out he'a my teachers aide. So,he was one who graded my test with the red pen,the one with the zoo written all over it"She told.

"Yeah"I nodded.

"We also know that he's the one who asked Haylet to meet him when ahe got trapped in the elevator .Doesnt that seem weird to you" She asked

"Oh my god, I got an email from Hayley .Look"Rowen said showing us

rowen, i can't do this anymore.
im sorry.
take care of elisia.
your strong.
im not.
i have to go. ill c u again.

love, hayley

I read it aloud.

"No,im not okay with that. Are you"She asked

"I don't blame her.She was really scared,Elisia ."Rowen reminded

"Yeah,well were all scared.Typical Hayley,running away"She yelled

"Hey"Rowen said

"No.It pisses me off."She yelled

"Your right.We need to end this so she can come back."I said

"I definately saw Zoe at the dance studio."

"Why was Sean there"Rowen asked

Elisia shrugged.

By the time I got home, it was already dark out. My dad was asleep on the sofa, and the TV flashed to comercials.I went to my room and opened up Zoe's file.It said that she requestsd to transfer befcsuse
if her cousin.I took a photo and sent it to Rowan befire going to sleep.U woke up the next morning to my phone blowing up.It was Elisia telling me that Ash woke up.I rushed to the hospital to meet her.

Rowen, Jake, and Elisia were already there when I arrived.

"Will I ever walk again"He asked as he remained seated in the wheelchair the hospital provided for him.

"The doctors said that you could work to it. Your young and healthy"Elisia reminded hum

"Tou will"Jake reasured

"Yeah"I said smiling

Stinger texted Rowan asking to meet at that bar again.

"There are people who want to be servants of Mr.Empty. Their called empties"He told us showing us the drawling Riwen made and the media page of articles.

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