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We hurried inside:

"You guys need to leave me alone"Elisia said

"We know who monkey man is"I yelled


"Its Ash"Hayley said

"No its not"Elisia replied

"Someone sent this video to my dad"Rowan said pulling it up and showing Elisia

"Elisia"Ash said walking down her hallway into the room we were in.

We pulled Elisia back away from Ash.

"We saw the video of you killing someone"Rowen said

"Your monkey man"Hayley accused

"No its not like that I was there.That was the night at South view Motel "Elisia said pushing through us to stand by Ash.

"That was the night she was attacked"Ash defended

"You shot him?"Hayley asked

"In the leg he didn't kill anybody thats why he went to Juive"Elisia explained

"Monkey man made this video, he was following you.
He was watching the whole time"I said

"If you hadnt been there"Elisia said turning to Ash

"Monkey man wants the cops to think that Ash shot Raven."

Suddenly our phones pinged.

We were tagged in a private flash from Monkey man.
It was a video of Nikki setting up for her party.
wit the caption 'show up or I'll shoot her'

"He better not hurt her"Hayley yelled

"We have to tell my dad"Rowan said

"Your right"I agreed


"Yeah I agree we have to"She replied

We all went outside  including Ash
Just then Jake pulled up in his truck.

"I got this text at work"He said handing Elisia his phone.

The text read 'If anyone talks to the cops, Ill make sure you spend your life behind bars I know where you were Sunday night your alibi is a lie'

"We have to go to that party"I said

"How much time do we have left"Rowan asked

"47 minutes"I read off my phone screen.

And with that we left for the party.
Once we arrived Brie sent Elisia a photo of her second grade class.

We circled around her waiting for her to pick out who she took the bear from.

"This is him"She said zooming in
"Dunbar Rakes"I read off the bottom of the screen where the names were located  in order.

"That sounds familiar"Rowan said

"I don't know that name"I said

"We need to figure out what he looks like right now"Rowan said

"I know how to find him"Hayley said pulling out her phone

"This page has all the guys who auditioned for Romeo It was like a year and a half ago but atleast we can see what he looks like now.They say their names in the beggining"Hayley explaines

"I thought you didnt have a list"Rowan said

We watched the first video of a boy introducing himself.

"Hayley what is this"I asked

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