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"I feel sorry for you"I said

"Excuse me?"She asked

We walked sideways. She did aswell not letting us out of her sight.

"You don't know what its like to have real friends.
You have to hise behind a computer or a mask. Because of you we thought we couldnt trust anyone, but that's thats not true.We trust eachother"I said

"Yeah,we would die for eachother,were family" Rowen told her

"Who would die for you.Dunbar"I asked

She walked closer to us.

"Dunbar wanted us to pay because we were bullies?But you...you became the king of all bullies"I said

She pointed the shot gun at me.

"Y/n"Elisia whispered

"Is that what Dunbar would have wanted"Rowen asked stepping slightly foward so the gun pointed between us.

"Havent you learned anything? Everyones a bully." She said

"No, No thats not true.Its about intention.We never men't to hurt anyone.You can't stop us from trying to be better."I said

"Yes I can "She cocked the gun.

Rowen and I held hands unsure if which one of us she was going to shoot. I closed my eyes and heard the gunshot.I didn't feel anything.

"Hey"I heard a familiar voice yell.

When I opened my eyes I saw a group of people wearing animal maks walking towards us.There was a man in a sheep mask holding a hunting gun.He shot it into the air multiple times.

Rowen and Elsia backed away. I didn't move.

Zoe pointed the gun at me

"Drop it" The man in the sheep mask yelled

The people in the masks circled around her.

When she wasn't looking I grabbed the shotgun out of her hand and pointed it at her.

Everyone took off their masks.

Brandon took off the fox mask as Sean took off the duck mask.Jake revealed himself as well as Tessa Jai and Trevor.

"It's over Zoe.The idea's dead"Brandon said

Zoe looked at me with saddened eyes.

"I thought you of all people would understand"She said "

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for only a moment.

"On your knees.Put your weapons on the ground." A police officer yelled pointing his gun at everyone.

We all knelt down and placed out guns on the ground.The police officer cuffed Zoe and Jake explained everything.Rowen Elisia and I walked hand in hand as the officer walked Zoe to the police car.

"Hey Ash, that girl wasn't your sister. Just some kid I found to split you two up"She yelled at Ash who was sitting in the car. Elisia let go of my hand and walked over to hug him

Rowen ran over to Jake and started hugging to him.

I felt something touch my back.It made me jump,but when I turned around I saw Brandon looking down at me with sad eyes.

"Sorry" He mumbled

"How did you know we were here"I asked

"We figured out the VHS tape. It was a message about camp. I was worried that you might have come up here, so I didn't want to take anymore chances"He said.

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