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"I feel like were missing something"I said as Elisia Rowen and I sat near the pool.

"We know Stinger wasn't doing it alone after Zoe died.There we two accounts.Rowen said

"Hawke is involved somehow,I know it."Elisia said

She pulled out her phone and started flipping through pictures she took while she was in his appartment.

"When Stinger and I went to his appartment, I feel like I saw something, but I can't place it."

She zoomed into a picture of Hayley,then over to a drawling of her.

"Look at this, Hawke was working on this drawling of Hayley and it's almost identical to this drawling of Zoe."She said showing us the drawling of Zoe.
"Hawke must have given Zoe this drawling.Which makes me think he knows her well."

"Maybe he's the new KC"Rowen suggested

"Where is Hawke?Right now"Elisia asked

"Probably at school, you know,the place we used to go" I said sarcastically.

"We should go to his appartment, see what else we can find. I wasn't able to look around much before he got home."Elisia told us

"Wait,guys.Lance Broadly didn't know that Zoe died. He kept sending her messages to meet him on missed connections"I told

"What about it"Elisia asked

"Stinger was the one who told us Zoe was dead.If Lance and Stinger are the same person...."I started

"The Zoe's alive"Elisia said

All of our phones pinged.


We all got the same text from Zoe.

"Is she listening to us"Elisia asked

I threw my phone in the pool. Rowen and Elisia did the same.

We left to go to Hawkes appartment before anyone else woke up.

"Hawke" Elisia called into the house before walkung in.

"He'a not here "I said

We all started looking around and opening drawers.

"Guys"Elisia said nervously.

Walked over to where she was.There was a black gun with a brown handle sitting on the desk.

"Jake's gun. Did Hawke shoot Ash"

"I don't know"Rowen said

I walked over to the kitchen table and opened his laptop.

"His computers connected to his phone, I can read his texts"

I tapped on Zoe's contact.

"Camp" Elisia read the message.

"I guess we know where were going."

The drive was pretty long. It started to get dark as reached the camp our friends attented the summers before.

"I keep reaching for my phone"

Since none of us had been here, we wandered around. There were some small cabins and some larger ones.We heard rustling in the woods.
Hawke walked out from behind a bush and started wandering around. We slowly started to follow him. He walked up to a stuffed monekey that was hanging from a tree before walking into a long cabin.
Rowwn Elisia and I walked over to the window to peek inside .Zoe quickly hugged him.She took his hand and led him into a room.

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