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The next day we went to school.As we were walking up the stairs, Hayleys phone pinged.

"Who is it"I asked

"Just Sean,to see if I'm gonna be ag the assembly"She repied.
"I went to his house last night, it was amazing"Hayley smiles

"Seriously? Sean and Brandon are bestfriends and Brandon could be you know who"Rowan reminded

"Next thing your gonna tell me is that Sean could be monkeyman"Hayley paused

"He could be"I said

"Anybody could be,Jake,Brie"Rowan said suspecting them.

"are you kidding me I am so sick of being scared I needed a night off"Hayley yelled

"Well while you were taking a night off I figured out how we can stop the assembly"I said subtly

"Well it was a really big night for me and I thought I could talk about it with a friend"Hayley replied

"Isnt sean a little douchey for you"Rowan asked

"You dont get it do you?You think I left you freshman year because I got popular friends but really it was because of this, cause you are so judgemental I cant tell you anything"Hayley said before walking away.

Rowen and I exchanged looks before walking into school together.The same boy that greeted her at lunch just a few days earlier stopped her outside the building.They chatted for a few moments then she eventually caught up with me in the hall.

We got to the auditorium and stood around looking for a seat.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket so I took it out and looked at the notfication.It was a text message from an unknown number.

'Who am I? Times running out'

Rowan read it over my shoulder then shot me worried look. She began to walk through the seats over to the fire alarm. I already knew what was running through her head, but a security guard stooped her before she got the chance to pull it. She turned and looked at me before I followed her to another one that was unguarded.

Suddenly the lights went out and a video on the big screen began to play. It showed a video of Hayley putting something in her moms drink with demonic music playing in the background.Hayley then gave her mom the spiked drink and watched as she passed out in the couch.She then took her phone out of her moms bag The clip replayed.The people behind us were laughing and whispering.

The following day, Saturday,5he three of us decided to check on Hayley.

"What happened"Rowan asked kneeling by her bed

"Are you okay"I asked

"School called, my mom was there I told them it was a joke and I made it when she was asleep.My mom  believed me."

"How many times have you done it"Elisia asked

Hayley stayed quiet.

"Your dad,Rowan. He asked me about the shotgun video, they know I lied and said I thought it was a prank."Hayley said.

Rowans phone rang repeteively.

"Speaking of him"She said lifting it up to show us who was calling.

"Hey? You found my board"Elisia asked getting up and walking over to where her board was resting.

"Oh yeah, it was at the motel."Hayley said.

Elisia was silent as she went to pick up her board
"Where did you get this bear"Elisia asked picking it up"

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