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Rowen was sitting at the dining room table scrolling on her computer while Treavor was sitting on the couch typing on his.

"Do you think the zoo can watch us through computers like this "Rowen asked him. I walked over and sat next to her.

"Usually through the camera"I said

"Not my computer. I had a bunch of files stolen last year. I don't use cloud shit. Always the VPN. Keep most if my stuff ofline"Trevor explained

Rowen took a stickey note and covered her camera.
before picking up the paper that rested infront if her.

"Nerd"I said to Trevor

"I am. It runs in the family"He joked looking at Rowen who was totally focasing on her computer.

"What about college"She asked

"I guess I don't give a shit anymore"He said

Rowen sighed

"Mr.Empty posted just now"Trevor told us.

"Yeah?"I asked

"Yeah"He replied

We walked over to the couch and sat next to him.

It was a bunch of spammed keyboard.

"That doesnt make any sense"Rowen complained

"Its a code, maybe double transposition"Trevor told
"Wheres the poem that someone sent Zoe"He asked

I picked up the book and flipped through the pages until it fell into my lap.

"In World War II, spies sometimes used poetry as the key for a code."I handed the entire book to him.

"The front door quickly opened.

"Burrito babies"Brandon said holding up a fast food bag.

Trevor closed his computer and ran into the kitchen.Rowen and I exchanged looks before following.

Trevor hopped on the counter and started eating the burrito Brandon had handed to him.

"Don't say I never did anything for you, sweetheart"He said handing me one.

Sean walked into the kitchen.

"What is he doing here"Rowen asked

"What you mean"Brandon asked with a mouth full of burrito.

"Brandon, he was at the bonfire with Zoe"I told him

"Yeah ,duh.I was the one who told him to go to find out who sent me to juvie.He was the one who told me it was Zoe"

My heart dropped.

"What"I asked softly

"mh-hmm"Sean agreed as he started to eat his burrito

"What about the dance studio, or Zoe's house.Why were you there"Rowen asked

"Same reason you were. I was trying to find her. She did ruin Brandon's life"He reminded.

I looked at Rowen again this time with saddened eyes.

"What about the pig's mask?"I asked

"That was me. Pig Mania here"Trevor said

"Why was it in Seans locker"I asked

"Yeah, they were looking through my locker and Brandon's because of those flyers.I had to put it somewhere"

"Dick" Sean mumbled

Trevor shrugged.

Brandon walked over to the fridge and got the hot sauce.

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