Transportation To Majjor Phillix.

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Majjor, Pronounced My-Yor, Phillix.

The first world in the History of the Orion Maze to be targeted and marked out for Invasion by the Kovenant Empire. Though not the most grand of targets, it is still a planet that is important for the overall war effort.
Majjor Phillix was chosen for its strategic location. The planet was located at the bleeding edges of Electorate space and it is so isolated that the Electorate only maintains a small 5,000-man strong garrison and listening post. With the majority of the military presence there being that of local militias, who, according to the testimonies given by Miss Nova and according to reconnaissance reports by the Imperial Navy... Are the equivalent of a mere poorly trained militia, they lack both training and firepower.

This made Majjor Phillix an attractive first target for the Imperial Military, a quick, easy victory, considering that they would have Shadow Zone Generators, which can block out FTL and Communications throughout the whole system, this world would not be able to travel, or call for help when the Imperial Military attacks.

The 2nd-factor making Majjor Phillix so attractive was its location on the Galactic map.

Majjor Phillix is located in an isolated part of space, many, many lightyears away from the more established worlds in the Frontier region. It is so isolated in fact that no one comes here, not even privately owned civilian ships. Only pirates and other criminal scum do so.
This meant that there was no risk of the citizens of the Electorate finding out about the Majjor Phillix Invasions.

Additionally, Majjor Phillix can serve as a standing ground to invade deep into the middle provinces and the Frontier regions. This is because there is a Major cluster of hundreds of planets and systems within striking distance from Majjor Phillix. All are connected to a major trade hub and massively interconnected trade route, which is also used to supply Electorate military personnel throughout this part of the Frontier. Thus, the importance of Majjor Phillix is paramount.

The capture of Majjor Phillix will not only provide a springboard for Invasion but also a means to swiftly strike and capture those major trade routes, cutting off supplies and trade from the Core and Midrim to the Frontier regions. Making military operations for the Kovenant easier and the Electorate even harder. The Electorate would have had to try to funnel supplies in through different routes, which would make supply more troublesome. For if one can cut the flow of supplies for their enemies, subsequent battles will be easier.

The Kovenant believed that the plan would work since Technomanser Drogan had just submitted a full analysis on Electorate technology to notice a flaw in their FTL.

According to reports by Drogan. Hyperdrive FTL requires the use of already established routes to travel safely across the void, as traveling without following a route would be extremely dangerous as they would either hit a star or some celestial body the moment they got out.
This made the matter of travel routes all the more important, as the Electorate cannot simply plot new routes without immense risk to themselves, such as crashing into a star or planet --- This was in stark contrast to the Psychic tunnels used by the Kovenant and their Psychic FTL technology, as Psychic tunnels can be formed anywhere so long as enough ships frequent travel in a certain area, creating massive psychic tunnels over months.

So this means that by cutting off major hyperspace routes, the Kovenant can effectively control the flow of enemy supplies and soldiers. Right now, the Imperial Navy was performing escort duty for Kovenant transport ships to Majjor Phillix. The escort fleet was a newly arrived fleet of warships. Consisting of 12 Heavy Cruisers, 15 Light Cruisers, 35 Corvettes and 3 Vonshorn Class Battleships.

The ships they were escorting were transport ships. A large fleet of them, carrying millions of Kovenant Soldiers alongside their equipment and tanks and other assorted vehicles. They had been traveling for a week now and they were very, very close to their intended destination. The troops were anxious to get to Majjor Phillix. They are expected to arrive the very next day and they are to carry out a planetary assault to secure a beachhead and larger landing zone for the transports. Your typical landing operation.

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