Forsakened Assault.

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"Forsaken ones!"

The Fallen ones landed and started engaging the Kovenant forces. They were able to observe their enemies and chosen targets from afar and they had chosen to make their attack here, the Kovenant Soldiers, though they had managed to hold their own and secure the warehouse during their river assault, they had yet to get their Combat Pioneers to build that man-made land bridge and the Kovenant soldiers and vehicles present near and around the warehouse were the only soldiers here that could stop them. Even if reinforcements are coming, they will never arrive in time to assist this group of Kovenant soldiers and their weapons. Next to useless against the grand armor sets, the Fallen ones have, and only their anti-tank weapons could do damage.

They had chosen their target well.

Though few, only numbering around 12 Fallen ones, this was more than enough to turn the tables against the Kovenant. Each one of these warriors was ancient and venerable. Having come from untold millennia of warfare, these warriors are a real, legitimate threat. One of the greatest experiments and soldiers of the Forsaken ones and among their most fanatical, turned into bloodthirsty warriors with esoteric alchemy.

Without waiting, the Fallen ones drew their weapons. Wielding Apocalypse Carbines in one of their hands and the other hand was used to wield either chain axes or Ripper blades.

With these most devastating weapons in hand, the Fallen ones charged. They broke into a run and the earth trembled beneath their feet as they rapidly began to close the distance. Their speed was terrifying and they had come here to destroy.

The first victims were 2 walkers who stood on the bridge to oppose them.
The Walker crews immediately began aiming their 30mm Gatling cannons at the charging bersekers as well as aiming their chin-mounted heavy laser cannons to deal with them. As their targeting systems got a hold of them, the 2 walkers opened fire, letting loose a torrent of 30mm Gatling fire.

However, the Gatling fire wasn't damaging them enough. The 30mm rounds merely bounced off of the Archosite armor or simply shattered upon impact and the Fallen ones in their power armor were not affected, not even slowing down even as many of these rounds bounced off or shattered on their armors.

One of the Walkers then starts backing up and the pilot said.
"Schiesse! Back! Back! Pull back to the other side!"

As soon as he heard those words, however, the Fallen ones were upon them in seconds. Most of them ran past the walkers, but 2 of them activated their Anti-gravity projectors and used them to launch themselves on top of the Walkers.

As they got on top of them, the Fallen ones used their hands and sheer brute strength to forcefully open the hatches. Archosite bending and the locks snapping from the sheer raw strength of the Fallen ones. After tossing the broken hatches away, the fearsome warriors grabbed the walker pilots and the rear gunners of each walker in both their hands.
The Kovenant soldiers screamed and they attempted to kick and punch the Fallen one in sheer terror and desperation to escape.

The Fallen one looked at the inferior creatures in their hands. Without hesitation or difficulty, the armor-clad mutant applied pressure upon their heads, and then after that, the heads of the pilots and rear gunners popped and blood rapidly dripped down their fists and arms as the bodies either fell to the earth or lay on top of the walkers. Dead.

With 2 of the walkers out of the action, all the alchemical mutants surged forward...

Immediately, the Kovenant soldiers who were present witnessed the brutal deaths of their Comrades and they turned to focus upon the great enemy, aiming Laser Machine guns, and Laser-Gewehrs and bringing Anti-tank weapons to bear to try and halt their new foe.

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