Arrival At Majjor Phillix.

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The Arrival at Majjor Phillix.

The next day has come and the Kovenant soldiers prepare themselves for immediate landing operations.
However even before the soldiers could so much as prepare, the Imperial Navy was already doing its part. Once they entered the system, the Navy went full steam ahead. Led by the 3 Vonshorn Class Battleships and heavy cruisers, the Imperial Navy was moving in to engage and all targets got in the way. All ships are to be targeted and destroyed immediately with the Navy's most powerful ordinance.
Coil cannons, medium and heavy laser cannons, Nuclear warheads, Sun Lance Batteries, Sonnengewehr ready, as well as having full wings of Hoe 280 Fighters and full wings of Bombers.

Indeed, the Imperial Navy vessels were a mighty sight to behold, they were relentlessly pushing like a moving formation bristling with weapons and the roar of their weapons was awe-inspiring, the vessels took up a formation reminiscent of that of a wedge-shaped attack formation, with the vessels mutually supporting each other as they made their advance. Vonshorn Class Battleships leading the way. As they rapidly approached Majjor Phillix proper, the Imperial Navy admiral in charge then said.

"Arm the Shadow Zone Generator and activate it on my mark!"

The crews complied and they primed the Shadow Zone generator.
The device was in the shape of an internally mounted, spherical device hidden within the bowels of a smaller Corvette. A Barbados Class Corvette, the same vessel which made up the majority of the Corvettes in the fleet.

"Shadow Zone Generator, armed!" said one of the crew members of the Admiral's flagship; one of the Battleships leading the way for the fleet.

The Shadow Zone generator was set to affect the entire solar system and the area beyond it by many, many lightyears, which would make escape by FTL outright Impossible as long as it is active, with the exception of a small opening located where the Kovenant fleet came from, which, is being guarded by the remaining light cruisers and Corvettes, allowing an opening for Reinforcements or retreat should they ever need it.

"Activate!" the Kriegsmarine Admiral said.

With those words, the Shadow Zone Generator was activated and as it did so, it created a loud rumbling noise before releasing a massive surge of psychic energy.
The energy was detected by the systems of the ships, but they were able to withstand and hold back the tide of sudden, unexpected psychic energy. Having felt this surge of psychic energy, those sailors who were Psychic tested if they could resonate with the Psychic tunnels away from the zone that wasn't affected... But they found that they could.

"Admiral... Your accursed device seems to have worked." said the Psychic sailors via direct comms.
"Your accursed Device is preventing us from resonating with the Psychic tunnels. Additionally, it is also blocking out communications outside the system. We will be able to communicate with each other, but the interference will still cause the occasion delay."

This was good, it seems to have worked. Although he did feel sorry for his sailors, especially those who were Psychic. He could only imagine how much they were feeling right now, how they must despise the feeling of the device interfering with their powers, he made a mental note to give them extra rations.

But still, it worked and while they could communicate within the system, the enemy could no longer send messages beyond. Nor could they hope to get away with their FTL travel.
Just then, the Imperial Navy vessels approached the world of Majjor Phillix, they encountered the enemy the reports suggested; Marauders.

"Mein Herr, enemy ships ahead. Pirate vessels most likely, they don't seem space worthy and they look like they were improvised vessels with armaments on them." said one of the bridge crew.

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