Final hope.

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(1 day later.)

3rd Platoon was taking time to rest after the battle of the road junction. They had been pulled from the front after their time of none stop fighting eversince they arrived in this city. Majjor Phillix is close to falling and the Kovenant is performing clean up operations at this point, Electorate forces having been weakened by their desperate last assault and now, Kovenant armor moved through the city, escorted by Infantry, performing mop up operations. All remaining hold outs were destroyed and entire pockets surrendered on mass, tens of thousands of clones being taken prisoner in the process, their remaining equipment and vehicles being surrendered over to the advancing Kovenant troops. Up in the sky, the Luftwaffe flew unopposed, total air dominance having been established and in the void, the Kriegsmarine reigns Supreme and the entire system is bustling with military activity.

The soldiers of the Kovenant, who have been fighting here for some time now, felt like the end was near and when that end would come, all that would be left was to police the new planet; a new addition to the Empire's territories.

But 3rd Platoon was exhausted, having suffered many wounded and some men dead. While the Platoon was still combat effective, they had been pulled back to the rear for a well earned rest and to await for their wounded to be healed up and ready for combat once more. Though by the time they were to recover, the conquest of this planet would be complete.

3rd Platoon had been resting at a nearby forward operating base, set up earlier in the week by the 87th Volksgrenadier Regiment. They had occupied one of the many barracks, each able to hold an entire Platoon and with that, they were able to rest up quite comfortably, well away from any of the battles still going on.

Sitting down on a table outside the barracks 3rd Platoon had been occupying, covered by a Canopy tent, was Lieutenant Skrosamzy alongside his command squad, he was busy filling out paper work for replacements, wishing ti get the Platoon back to full strength by getting more men to replace the Fallen. Those who had died already had their bodies collected and returned home for burial.

As Skrosamzy finished all the necessary paper work, he handed it over to a subordinate and said.
"Send this up, would you?"

As his subordinate left to submit the request for replacements, Skrosamzy stood up and said to his command squad.
"C'mon, the rest of the Platoon is having lunch right now, best not miss out."

Skrosamzy alongside his men then walked over to the mess. Not far from where the barracks was right now, the mess was a simple open patch of land with canopy tents and tables set up for the troopers.
Field kitchens were set up close and when Skrosamzy got there, he witnessed that most of his men were already eating, consuming vast amounts of baked potatoes, hot sausage stew, beef as well as some cups of coffee, some had water or even cups of tea to go with their meal.

Skrosamzy smiled and went over to join his men. As he approached, his men greeted him with quick salutes and greetings, a mark of respect as he walked over to the field kitchen and said.
"I'll just have hot sausage stew with water."

The cook obliged and quickly served up his order on a tray and Skrosamzy sat down on an occupied but still mostly free table, which, also happened to be holding Conrad Wiking's squad.

"How's Michael?" Skrosamzy asked as he started to eat.

Susie, who was seated right across from their commanding officer, having just finished her own meal replied.
"He is at the medical bay, sir. Getting his eye treated after that Electorate soldiers shot him in the eye with that laser pistol... I'm surprised he isn't dead. That energy bolt should have fried his brains out..."

Jojo was seating right next to her and eating his own meal answered.
"About that... turns out that the after action report explains how he survived. Isn't that right, Conrad? Bruno?"

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