Chapter Two

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It was lunchtime. Most of the students practically ran out of the room so that they could get to the cafeteria. Kagami watched them go, thankful that she didn't have to be part of that chaos. She always brought a bento from home so that she could eat in the peace and quiet of the classroom. That way, she didn't have to socialize with anyone or be bothered by all of the racket that was always in the cafeteria. Instead, she could enjoy the peace and quiet of the classroom.

Usually, Kagami would be the only one who stayed in the classroom for lunch, but today someone else had also decided to stay behind. Apparently, the sloppy girl had also brought a bento from home and had decided to eat it in the classroom. However, she wasn't paying any attention to Kagami, so she didn't mind the company. They both ate lunch in silence and when she was done, the sloppy girl once again pulled out a book and began to read. Kagami would have followed her example, but her book was still in the hands of those stupid twins.

There was still a bit of time left until lunch ended, so Kagami decided to go to the library. She wanted to see if they had a copy of the book she had been reading earlier. She was planning on going to the bookstore after school to buy a new copy, but the book had just gotten to an exciting part and Kagami really wanted to know what happened next. If the library had a copy, she wouldn't have to wait until after school to find out.

Since most of the other students were still in the cafeteria, the halls were strangely quiet. Kagami let her thoughts wander as she walked. Nobody was watching her, so she didn't have to act cold and aloof like normal. However, she should have known better than to let her guard down. She was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she didn't notice the two boys who were walking towards her.

"Excuse me princess, may I have a moment of your time?"

Hearing a voice come out of nowhere startled her. She looked up to see a blond boy and a guy with glasses walking down the hallway towards her. If she hadn't know that there was no one in the hallway behind her, Kagami would have simply kept walking. After all, no one would call someone like her a princess. But since she knew they were talking to her, Kagami simply stopped and gave them an icy glare, hoping that it would intimidate them enough that they would leave her alone.

It didn't work. The blond boy just gave her a dazzling smile and kept talking.

"I would like to invite you to come to my club after school. I just started it this year. Its a host club where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands-"

"No thank you." Kagami interrupted him before he could continue rambling. "I would never go to something as ridiculous as a host club."

In reality, Kagami had no idea what a host club was so she didn't really know if it was ridiculous, but there was no way she was going to say that.

The blond was apparently very upset about having his little speech interrupted because as soon as Kagami interrupted him he went into a corner to sulk. And she might have been imagining it, but Kagami could have sworn she saw mushrooms. However, before she could confirm anything, the guy in glasses spoke for the first time.

"I must apologize for my friend, he can be a bit overenthusiastic sometimes." Then he gave her a calculating smile. "He was right though, we would love it if you came to our club, I'll even give you a discount."

"I already said I'm not interested." Kagami was confused about why they would want someone like her going to their club, but she simply maintained her cold demeanor. "Now if you would be kind enough to move, I have somewhere I need to be."

With these words Kagami brushed past the two boys and continued on her way to the library. As she was walking she heard them talking to each other.

"Who was that girl Kyoya?" The blond had finished sulking in his corner by this time.

"Kagami Tsukino. She's a first year and apparently she has quite the reputation. We're wasting our time on her Tamaki, there's no way someone like her would come to our club."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Kagami agreed with the boy in glasses. They were wasting their time on her. Even if she did go to their club, they would only end up hating her too, just like everyone else did.

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